So all of my sickness nonsense seems to have worked itself out okay... It turns out that I didn't have to go to work after all of my attempted teeth pulling. A guy who owed a a few bend-over-backwards favors finally caved and agreed to come in. Worked out especially well since I was too sick to attend that engagement luncheon... It allowed me to get the 14 hours of sleep my body not so subtley informed of.
Thanks for your well-wishes! It's always nice to have others pat my immune system on the back, as well.
More day dreaming about B-Day presents to myself...
This evening it's been iPods & iPod Minis.
Trying to match my genuine needs to a price and the accessories I'd need (car, pack, puter, etc). Like nearly everyone else in the world, I have a hard-on for the 40G model but, I really have no need to store every disc I own on the machine. The well-worn third of those I actually listen to all the frelling time would do far better.
Most of this brainstorming had come about as a measure of cleaning CD's out of my car. If I had a concise method of slimming down the usual 40-50 I commute with, the relative expense (however expensive) will be worth it. Thoughts iPod owners?
Plans upcoming: Tomorrow by some accounts include rain for New Haven. This seems like a perfect time to rent a movie or two & hijack my parents washing machine and wide screen.
Perhaps start the last paperwork I need to complete before vacation starts on Friday. Well...I won't hold my breath.

More day dreaming about B-Day presents to myself...

Plans upcoming: Tomorrow by some accounts include rain for New Haven. This seems like a perfect time to rent a movie or two & hijack my parents washing machine and wide screen.

skippy...hey. how has your girl missed all these great movies? please use the big tv for all it's worth.

Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Nice forearms, eh? That's cool. Here are some movie suggestions: 1st or 2nd season of Alias, then join the group.
No seriously, here are some: The Contender, Bloody Sunday (the director Paul Greengrass went on to direct this summer's the Bourne Supremacy, the Matt Damon sequel to the Bourne Identity), Chinatown, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Stormy Monday (Sting's best movie), The Limey. Enjoy.