So...90+ degrees. Normally, not a buys beer, takes showers, eats popcicles and plays w/ his girlfriend and ice cubes. The new problem(s) have been our nest's new additions...ferrets. For you see, ferrets can't sweat. Their perfect ambient temp. is around 70 and anything over 85, they can get heat stroke. So most of today had been spent brain-storming on ways to lower their temps w/o air conditioning...
#1 - Swimming... Monkey loves dipping toes, running back and forth in the make-shift wading pool inside the bathtub. Bandit on the other hand is a chicken shit. More cat than ferret, can't stand getting wet. I've alternated in 'accidently' turning on the faucet as they were digging in the drain...Ooops, my bad.
#2 - Frozen bottles inside socks... Basically this is for them to curl up next to. I'm not so anal as to give 'em ice 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. It melts far too quickly to count. It's also amusing for they're not quite sure what to make of it... It doesn't make sound so, it's not a toy...but, you can sure as hell pounce on it!
#3 - Fans, fans, fans... Well for them, too. They've been set-up with my nicest (only) box fan w/ a regularly exchanged damp cloth on the cage top. Acts as ghetto-weasel A/C...water evaporates, cools internal cage temp, cools ferrets.
Thankfully, tomorrow'll be back to the 70's, though rainy. I only have a couple more training and re-cert classes left until I'm back to a normal 37.5 hour workweek. *sigh*
#1 - Swimming... Monkey loves dipping toes, running back and forth in the make-shift wading pool inside the bathtub. Bandit on the other hand is a chicken shit. More cat than ferret, can't stand getting wet. I've alternated in 'accidently' turning on the faucet as they were digging in the drain...Ooops, my bad.
#2 - Frozen bottles inside socks... Basically this is for them to curl up next to. I'm not so anal as to give 'em ice 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. It melts far too quickly to count. It's also amusing for they're not quite sure what to make of it... It doesn't make sound so, it's not a toy...but, you can sure as hell pounce on it!
#3 - Fans, fans, fans... Well for them, too. They've been set-up with my nicest (only) box fan w/ a regularly exchanged damp cloth on the cage top. Acts as ghetto-weasel A/C...water evaporates, cools internal cage temp, cools ferrets.
Thankfully, tomorrow'll be back to the 70's, though rainy. I only have a couple more training and re-cert classes left until I'm back to a normal 37.5 hour workweek. *sigh*
ferrets never had it so good! and by the way, i see your gillian welch and raise you asleep at the wheel - bump bounce boogie. is this how musical poker works?
Poor little ferrets, I had no idea they had such issues. I always see a guy walking his down by the beach. Quite the cuteness, although I guess if one is afraid of a little bit of water, he's probably afraid of a LOT of water huh?