I'm pleased to report that I am doing absolutely nothing important! I am not required to be anywhere; I'm not responsible for reporting in to anyone; I don't have to type up any reports, fax any med updates or e-mail responses to quiries given. Friends, I have achieved Day Off.
Things I'm playing w/ this morning er, afternoon... SG Desktops & Webshots. On-site there have been a couple big 'sortings' of desktops. There most recent is here. I've downloaded a bunch and a number are really stunning. The fun part comes in the form using free Photo Manager program from WebShots The program allows you to use photos dowloaded from their site or locally on your computer for rotating desktops. Mine is set to rotate desktops every 15 min... *lightly presses fingertips together and issues a breathy "Excellent"*
I'm moving settings between a number of different places into Mozilla Thunderbird. For some really strange reason, Firefox doesn't work well on my computer...fine on everyone else, not so here. My experiences on TBird so far have been pretty good... I got the head's up on a program that can be used for mail accounts similar to Hotmail. It undoubtedly requires tons of fiddling, which I'm not willing to do just yet.
Anyhoo, I hope yer all well... Those expecting phone calls shall receive them after a shower. Those expecting comments can, as well. And, to that certain person whom I've been bugging to get AIM *coughStaricough*, now that you're leaving the site you have few excuses left.
Things I'm playing w/ this morning er, afternoon... SG Desktops & Webshots. On-site there have been a couple big 'sortings' of desktops. There most recent is here. I've downloaded a bunch and a number are really stunning. The fun part comes in the form using free Photo Manager program from WebShots The program allows you to use photos dowloaded from their site or locally on your computer for rotating desktops. Mine is set to rotate desktops every 15 min... *lightly presses fingertips together and issues a breathy "Excellent"*
I'm moving settings between a number of different places into Mozilla Thunderbird. For some really strange reason, Firefox doesn't work well on my computer...fine on everyone else, not so here. My experiences on TBird so far have been pretty good... I got the head's up on a program that can be used for mail accounts similar to Hotmail. It undoubtedly requires tons of fiddling, which I'm not willing to do just yet.
Anyhoo, I hope yer all well... Those expecting phone calls shall receive them after a shower. Those expecting comments can, as well. And, to that certain person whom I've been bugging to get AIM *coughStaricough*, now that you're leaving the site you have few excuses left.
Dude, there's nothing better than a total veg/lazy day. I've had a few too many of those lately.
huzzah to your day off! oh, and I found the book. It was in one of the 5 gazillion purses. sorry for the scare.