*stretch* Yep, it's day three of my 3 1/2 day weekend...and we'll get to the poetry towards the end, friends.
Elbereth & I pulled out a few hundred hairs putting together a new computer super-desk for her small silicon hive-consciousness. I started the manly duty of assembling it in a room large enough to spread the pieces out, etc. Halfway through we came to the realization that the doorway was far too small to let super-desk pass. So, we started to disassemble it when several pieces spontaneously cracked off.
Everything was moved, thrown back together and she's as happy as a schoolgirl. Mmmm...Elbereth schoolgirl.
I also threw together a wireless network for her mom on Monday... She owns a gourgeous new IMac (unused except as a pseudo-base station) and a new Airport she purchased to use, how exactly she wasn't sure. I patched everything together, got it up and humming... Also downloaded the new ver. of ITunes for her newly discovered interenet radio interests.
What else..? M'girl and I are going to rent Conan the Destroyer later on today... Elbereth caught a random 10 minute snippet of it at work the other day and had since had a craving for barbaric cheese. I've always liked having had a former crush on Olivia D'Abo.
And now... Happy Poetry Day!
A Poetic Delivery
Let me be clear (for a change):
I want to write. I am big with poem.
Policemen stop traffic and help me across the streets.
Ladies stand on the bus and offer me their seats.
I am abuzz with Lamaze: I am learning deep rhythmic breathing
so I can painlessly push out the poetry seething
in this pulsing Iambic womb.
I am fertile and gestating verse
to read in this coffee-stained delivery room.
Nightly I rehearse,
for when lights shine on my gaping lips
and the poetry crowns
I will scream and moan and curse
while my metaphorical amniotic sack bursts
in crafted ambiguous rounds
and strange perverted new words:
So when called upon I will stand and deliver.

I also threw together a wireless network for her mom on Monday... She owns a gourgeous new IMac (unused except as a pseudo-base station) and a new Airport she purchased to use, how exactly she wasn't sure. I patched everything together, got it up and humming... Also downloaded the new ver. of ITunes for her newly discovered interenet radio interests.

What else..? M'girl and I are going to rent Conan the Destroyer later on today... Elbereth caught a random 10 minute snippet of it at work the other day and had since had a craving for barbaric cheese. I've always liked having had a former crush on Olivia D'Abo.

And now... Happy Poetry Day!
A Poetic Delivery
Let me be clear (for a change):
I want to write. I am big with poem.
Policemen stop traffic and help me across the streets.
Ladies stand on the bus and offer me their seats.
I am abuzz with Lamaze: I am learning deep rhythmic breathing
so I can painlessly push out the poetry seething
in this pulsing Iambic womb.
I am fertile and gestating verse
to read in this coffee-stained delivery room.
Nightly I rehearse,
for when lights shine on my gaping lips
and the poetry crowns
I will scream and moan and curse
while my metaphorical amniotic sack bursts
in crafted ambiguous rounds
and strange perverted new words:
So when called upon I will stand and deliver.
all i wanna do is slap you on the back, hand you a cigar and announce proudly to the world " congratulations! it's a poem!"
we must figure out a cheesy film night for my upcoming visit, have you guys ever seen hercules goes to new york