This is the hardest it's rained in what short-term memory I have left... Intersections are flooding, there's the persistent white noise of water sheeting into the window screens, splashing of cars and drenched pedestrian victims left at the gutter. My body hadn't acclimated to this being a Springtime event... It expects to still bundle up in the upcoming weeks. Gladly, it's not so. I'll be stripping layers and downsizing insulation... Jackets to fleece to hoodies, long-sleeved shirts to short.
I received my free stickers from the SG Army yesterday! A thread within the group was from Sean stating that we could fire off an e-mail stating what our needs were & we'd have a allotment of brand new stickers given to us. I played it conservative asking for only 25...I figured it's a small enough number not to be refused & large enough to feel free to hand them out and plaster the rest. I tuned back in to the thread and folks were asking and receiving bunches of 300-400! They were also complaining about how quickly they got used up... Must've lived somewhere with more than 10 members in their town.
I received my free stickers from the SG Army yesterday! A thread within the group was from Sean stating that we could fire off an e-mail stating what our needs were & we'd have a allotment of brand new stickers given to us. I played it conservative asking for only 25...I figured it's a small enough number not to be refused & large enough to feel free to hand them out and plaster the rest. I tuned back in to the thread and folks were asking and receiving bunches of 300-400! They were also complaining about how quickly they got used up... Must've lived somewhere with more than 10 members in their town.
[Edited on Apr 14, 2004 9:19AM]