Had Them All...
I have had them all,
All those women who turned me down,
I have had them.
The movie stars who parade naked before me,
I have had them as well.
The haughty aristocrats, the serving wenches
Have been in my bed.
The models, the video vixens
The women every man wants,
They have all been with me.
I have made them beg,
I have made them plead,
I have thrown caution to the wind
And had them in dangerous places
I have had them in public
Or tied them up in private
I have been good, and VERY, VERY bad,
I have kept my clothes on, or off
and undressed them with my teeth
I have had all the women I have ever desired,
And man, is my wrist tired!
A poem written for my dorm neighbor in college... He had the most active of any I'd ever met though, almost all of it was completely imaginary.
So...today is a rainy Wednesday. Still not sure if we are planning to go to Flux. AP & I just got back from a weekend of getting dressed up, going out and finding ourselves knowing no one else there... We may skip out, too. Dunno...I'm testing those waters w/ a girl who's aching to show off her creation of the past week.
We'll see. Perhaps I can bribe her w/ sushi?
I have had them all,
All those women who turned me down,
I have had them.
The movie stars who parade naked before me,
I have had them as well.
The haughty aristocrats, the serving wenches
Have been in my bed.
The models, the video vixens
The women every man wants,
They have all been with me.
I have made them beg,
I have made them plead,
I have thrown caution to the wind
And had them in dangerous places
I have had them in public
Or tied them up in private
I have been good, and VERY, VERY bad,
I have kept my clothes on, or off
and undressed them with my teeth
I have had all the women I have ever desired,
And man, is my wrist tired!
A poem written for my dorm neighbor in college... He had the most active of any I'd ever met though, almost all of it was completely imaginary.

So...today is a rainy Wednesday. Still not sure if we are planning to go to Flux. AP & I just got back from a weekend of getting dressed up, going out and finding ourselves knowing no one else there... We may skip out, too. Dunno...I'm testing those waters w/ a girl who's aching to show off her creation of the past week.

i bet you would really give the zealots a run for their collection plate money ~ bein' all zen and stuff. that kind of universal peacefulness is hard to handle if yr Excitable. tres interesant.
I have an important message for all my so-called friends.