Quiet Friday. Slept until 11a, drank coffee & read Joseph Campbell. Went shopping for unofficial SGCT get-together tomorrow. Stocked up on other randomness at Trader Joe's & bought delicious bits for lunch - fresh basil, roma tomatoes & chiabata bread to match the balsamic I had waiting w/ baited breath at home.
Caught up w/ friends a couple of different ways today... Bumped into one who left the graces of my agency. She cited high drama & left to work in a naturopathic doctor's office. Got pizza & pale ale at Bar w/ my friend Lisa immediately afterwards... I felt like a fogey in how long it'd been since I'd been there and it isn't as if I didn't have a good reason...it's a place one goes to be seen & see others. I'd rather make pleasant conversation with the potted plant in the corner, thank you.
Caught up w/ friends a couple of different ways today... Bumped into one who left the graces of my agency. She cited high drama & left to work in a naturopathic doctor's office. Got pizza & pale ale at Bar w/ my friend Lisa immediately afterwards... I felt like a fogey in how long it'd been since I'd been there and it isn't as if I didn't have a good reason...it's a place one goes to be seen & see others. I'd rather make pleasant conversation with the potted plant in the corner, thank you.

so yr one of those talented, but shy types, eh? but you recorded an album? i'll bet its quite wonderful. are you a rocker type or my the singer/songwriter variety? does this have something to do with that cryptic line "experiencing music through center cancellation"?
so yr evening sounds quite fun - and you are the official provisions provider, it seems. ah, and the trader joe's is mocking me again.
potted plants are excellent conversationalists. well, except for peonies ... they are snobs.
edited to say ... jesus murphy - i missed 3 entries!! gah! as for yr bailing on the work party, yes, you chose wisely grasshopper. they are never as good as they promise to be. and now i have a loop of "master and commander" in mine tiny noggin. it may be the only time russell crowe has appealed to me. yes, he is a good actor blah de blah, but something about him just bugs.
anyway - have you seen big fish YET?
[Edited on Jan 24, 2004 9:51AM]
and WELL_ENDOWED eh? too funny. hope that you totally rocked the boardwalk.