I started the process of pillaging my new library's CD collection... I have some issues with the limit of how many one can check out at a time (three...*blech*) but, I sure have no problem with what they stock! My first day's take after a back and forth trip was: The Essential Fripp & Eno, Ray Charles - The Birth of Soul, Tom Waits - Raindogs, Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti, The Music of Islam - Mawlawiyah Music of Whirling Dervishes & The Music of Islam - Mystic Music Through The Ages. I'm hatching plans to head back again today and maybe make a nuisance of myself one or two more times.
My princess and I plan on catching the matinee of Big Fish this afternoon. Maybe a stop at Pier One to examine bathroom storage, a quick browsing of paper lamps.

My princess and I plan on catching the matinee of Big Fish this afternoon. Maybe a stop at Pier One to examine bathroom storage, a quick browsing of paper lamps.

hope you made it a flicking by now. i do loathe when i think i am going somewhere only to find out i already missed it. yags, indeed.
btw, i just noticed the drama food group thing. HI-larious. seriously, i think i eat lunch with two of those people. OOOOHHH, the SUFFerING. *swoon* gimme a brrrreak.