You know it's sad when it's been so long since you've posted that you have to figure how to do it again...
So, to briefly update: Today, I gave up smoking...again. It's Day One smoke-free having now been involved w/ this Yale study for 3+ weeks. I originally wanted to do so a month+ ago but, since someone else is picking up the bill for nic. patches, etc., I don't mind waiting.
Yale is studying the effects of a particular very low dose drug that's long been on the market. The theory is it's supposed to curb replacing cigarettes w/ food and resulting in the usual quit weight gain. It's so far, so good. I think my patches are a little more nicotine than my body's used to so, I've been having some low-level wooziness to my morning. Only cravings thus far have been post-meal, driving and writing this now. 
I also have two other big switches... I found a new flat and purchased a new car, within the same week.
The apt is a 1000sq ft that I'm going in on in the swankier section of Fair Haven. The owner are this cute couple who are eager to please - read: completely new bathroom, floors and dishwasher. The dishwasher alone makes my year. :swoon:
My Scion I traded in as I started developing some extremely concerning Rotator Cuff problems in my left arm. It was a stick and forced me to almost exclusively drive w/ my left arm. After a year's worth of stress, it exhibited itself as profound soreness when sleeping and waking & the inability to lift dead weight. Having to hold my arm straight up (for a combined 2hrs+) whilst roller derby ref'ing was not so pleasant, either.
The solution was a nicely decked out black & shiny black PT Cruiser. Automatic, hydromatic...
The seating position completely solved the problem and actually had me enjoying my usual 1 1/2hr commute to practice tonight.
I'm going to make an effort to properly shower comments to those neglected within the next couple of days... If I don't, it's because sitting in front of the computer is such a draw for smoking, I need to spend some time apart. Just know that I miss ya'll.

So, to briefly update: Today, I gave up smoking...again. It's Day One smoke-free having now been involved w/ this Yale study for 3+ weeks. I originally wanted to do so a month+ ago but, since someone else is picking up the bill for nic. patches, etc., I don't mind waiting.

I also have two other big switches... I found a new flat and purchased a new car, within the same week.

My Scion I traded in as I started developing some extremely concerning Rotator Cuff problems in my left arm. It was a stick and forced me to almost exclusively drive w/ my left arm. After a year's worth of stress, it exhibited itself as profound soreness when sleeping and waking & the inability to lift dead weight. Having to hold my arm straight up (for a combined 2hrs+) whilst roller derby ref'ing was not so pleasant, either.

I'm going to make an effort to properly shower comments to those neglected within the next couple of days... If I don't, it's because sitting in front of the computer is such a draw for smoking, I need to spend some time apart. Just know that I miss ya'll.
And congrats on the apt and car. The PT is nice. ::thumbs up::