So yes, I'm still alive... More and more time passes with me away from the computer, which isn't so much of a bad thing. This was ably illustrated by the explosion of Spring! Long walks through New Haven, plans made to get biking on the Farmington Canal Trail again, hiking back and forth to the library... The new season of amazing local free entertainment is just slowly grinding into gear and I can't wait!
In the cheap amusements department, the greyed duo of AmazonRed13, CthuluLu and myself have been going on a regular date - roller skating on Wednesday nights at Wheel World in Wallingford. It's an adults-only slot with wine, cheese and fruit galore. For $6 for admission/skate rental, this is a no-brainer! The only thing that I'll have to remember is to call the greyed chiquitabonita and KareBear who lives like a whole half-mile away. Hmmm...
Some the dusting off the skates has been in the effort of assisting AR13 in her interests in joining The CTRollergirls. The fact that her skating experience makes her look like Bambi on ice is but a minor detail - adapt and overcome!

In the cheap amusements department, the greyed duo of AmazonRed13, CthuluLu and myself have been going on a regular date - roller skating on Wednesday nights at Wheel World in Wallingford. It's an adults-only slot with wine, cheese and fruit galore. For $6 for admission/skate rental, this is a no-brainer! The only thing that I'll have to remember is to call the greyed chiquitabonita and KareBear who lives like a whole half-mile away. Hmmm...
Some the dusting off the skates has been in the effort of assisting AR13 in her interests in joining The CTRollergirls. The fact that her skating experience makes her look like Bambi on ice is but a minor detail - adapt and overcome!

thanks for commenting on my set btw...
I am not sure roller-skating and wine is a sensible mix, but then you were writing this two months ago - for shame.