Well i managed to talk my boss into giving me next saturday off. it fucking sucks that i even have to ask for a day off that SHOULD be my regular day off..but either way, im heading off to Vegas.. a friend of mine is finaly turning 21, even though i always forget shes not 21 because me and her have been drinking together since high school. so i gotta show her a good time and ill get to see my other friend Cam, hes been living out there for a bit now.... i fucking love Vegas.
still working like a fucking slave.. im pretty sure ill be working 6 days a week 10-11 hours a day until december maybe even february of next year, yeah its that fucking busy! CRAZY i tell you
i hope everyones doing well though..sorry if i dont comment as much as i should, just really busy but ill try..and im so happy my Vixen is back
still working like a fucking slave.. im pretty sure ill be working 6 days a week 10-11 hours a day until december maybe even february of next year, yeah its that fucking busy! CRAZY i tell you

i hope everyones doing well though..sorry if i dont comment as much as i should, just really busy but ill try..and im so happy my Vixen is back

Enjoy Vegas. Win one for the Sycho!