I can't wait to be in Tel Aviv in august, I can't wait.....
See the stars, they're shining high, everything's allright tonight
See the stars, they're shining high, everything's allright tonight
Thank youuuuuuuuuuu! Comment a va vous?

Finalement je suis reviendu.
Sbastien m'a dit que tu n'allais pas Tel-Aviv finalement
Dommage que tu ne te sois pas laiss tenter pour Nmes en compensation...
Si t'es dans le coin pendant tes vacances on pourra peut-tre se voir.
Sbastien m'a dit que tu n'allais pas Tel-Aviv finalement

Dommage que tu ne te sois pas laiss tenter pour Nmes en compensation...
Si t'es dans le coin pendant tes vacances on pourra peut-tre se voir.
He has won....

C'est trop en fait

T'es ou, la ?
I'm so sorry. it's been almost 10 days that I haven't written here (well, sorry for those who come here to read).
How to say? Well... When you're up on things, when everything goes well, you sometimes wonder about "some shit is going to happen".
Exactly. In the space of one week, I've been told that I'm fired of my job for economical reasons (my...
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How to say? Well... When you're up on things, when everything goes well, you sometimes wonder about "some shit is going to happen".
Exactly. In the space of one week, I've been told that I'm fired of my job for economical reasons (my...
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Dublin is too laid back, you won't want to work there.
London is too exspensive; we all know that.
Italians only work for their families. Germans are too serious.
And we all know that the americans are greedy self serving and neurotic. ( I am one, afterall. But I'm not going to offer any appolgy)!
No sir, this country is so drunk on it's success that living here is surreal.
europe makes sense to me. It's civilized.
oh hey, how about Hong Kong. It's like the rest of southeast asia but on steriods.
I wish there was somewhere in betweeen...
London is too exspensive; we all know that.
Italians only work for their families. Germans are too serious.
And we all know that the americans are greedy self serving and neurotic. ( I am one, afterall. But I'm not going to offer any appolgy)!
No sir, this country is so drunk on it's success that living here is surreal.
europe makes sense to me. It's civilized.
oh hey, how about Hong Kong. It's like the rest of southeast asia but on steriods.
I wish there was somewhere in betweeen...
I've never been to Hull so I couldn't tell you what its like there.
How are you doing I hope your OK, is your mum any better
Take care
How are you doing I hope your OK, is your mum any better

Take care
The Mission - Deliverance - From 'Carved in Sand' album
Believe in magic believe in lore legend and myth
And the hand that guides in the cunning of hope in the weaving of dreams
And the lady of the lake takes my hand and leads me
To the holy isle and the fairy rings and the circles of stone
Forever and again
Give me,...
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Believe in magic believe in lore legend and myth
And the hand that guides in the cunning of hope in the weaving of dreams
And the lady of the lake takes my hand and leads me
To the holy isle and the fairy rings and the circles of stone
Forever and again
Give me,...
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your music is great! i very much enjoyed listening to/reading it. i'm sure you do a fabulous job with the song above.
and yes, i type like whoa.

and yes, i type like whoa.

je ne saurai pas venir au Festival. Amuses toi bien
jss 3

jss 3
OK, I have an UK Flag on my computer at work but I was anyway happy yesterday evening
I'm not a football (soccer, what a horrible word) fan, only big matches.
I had a great weekend! On saturday night I had my first SG hookup ever!
I met Lavandra, she's so nice and beautiful, it was great to talk to her. It was...
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I had a great weekend! On saturday night I had my first SG hookup ever!

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you are so kind! thank you for your lovely message.
and a song about a colored spider? now that sound fabulous. what kind of music do you create?
when i was in australia i got used to calling "soccer" footie, and "football" gridiron. i think it makes infinitely more sense.
and a song about a colored spider? now that sound fabulous. what kind of music do you create?
when i was in australia i got used to calling "soccer" footie, and "football" gridiron. i think it makes infinitely more sense.
teach me how to say: i baked kerguelen some love muffins.

One day I will wake up, one day I will do the things the way they have to be done and not let everything go. Maybe I'll start that day in two weeks.
Door's LA woman is pouring out of the speakers here at work. I want to be in movie sequence cut on that music. leaving the office, shades on, calling her, asking for...
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Door's LA woman is pouring out of the speakers here at work. I want to be in movie sequence cut on that music. leaving the office, shades on, calling her, asking for...
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comprendo.....tu fais quoi comme taf pour que cela te prenne ainsi de si grandes tranches de travail ?
jjs 3
jjs 3
Yeay have a great weekend
L.A Woman is a great song though I prefer Roadhouse blues

L.A Woman is a great song though I prefer Roadhouse blues

This has been a multi-colored wkd, really. I socialize a lot, went goth clubbing and to an open air concert seeing the Gathering (didn't meet any new person though, all girls with someone). This has been great, really. I'm quite a moutain bear and going to other people is always a good therapy for me.
On the other end, I had sadness and stress. Sadness...
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On the other end, I had sadness and stress. Sadness...
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Ah ben c'est exactement ce que je dis... Les soires goth c'est plutt un talage de "m'as-tu vu", donc difficile de trouver qqn dans ce genre de soires... ce n'est que mon avis (d'accord j'ai un a priori sur les goths (fond cela dit
) je le reconnais. Hey les confrences de presse, voil un endroit o je n'ai jamais dragu... mditer...
Bon a a t pizza finalement... si j'avais su que tu m'invitais petit ours j'aurais choisi le chinois...

Bon a a t pizza finalement... si j'avais su que tu m'invitais petit ours j'aurais choisi le chinois...

hehe see you saturday 

back to work after 2 weeks of holidays spent... working!
I'm a master slave, trapped in the modern world of surrealistic devotion to $$$ gain. Well, we're quite all in that shit, I have my mind for me.
I feel ok, busy. Alone but busy, so that's fine. I'm glad to be back here. Does anyone throw a BBQ party somewhere?

I feel ok, busy. Alone but busy, so that's fine. I'm glad to be back here. Does anyone throw a BBQ party somewhere?

Oui, eventuellement on va faire un barbe a cue a paris.
Mais pour l'instant, il faut que je reste et finir mes affaires ici aux etas unis.
Ben, Je te souhaite pleine de bonheur et chance d'echapper
la solitude.
[Edited on Jun 04, 2004 7:41AM]
Mais pour l'instant, il faut que je reste et finir mes affaires ici aux etas unis.
Ben, Je te souhaite pleine de bonheur et chance d'echapper
la solitude.
[Edited on Jun 04, 2004 7:41AM]
cape cod cape cod cape cod
it's springtime, I'm on holidays for two weeks, the weather is awesome, I have some money for a little trip, my friends are at the Cannes festival, I've been working on my music for all the weekend. And now, I'm just waiting for the corrections of that work I'm supposed to do during my holidays. Grrrrr
I now have to pray the god of motivation...
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I now have to pray the god of motivation...
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*walks into room, looks around all guilty like... climbs into your pants and sleeps* i'll be in here for awhile. no calls.

Never mind... Cannes stink of shit...

Tonight I'm going to see Van Helsing with some friends. I'm a bit doubtful about it but they want to see it and it's been some time that I do stuff on my own. I hope it won't be too shitty anyway. After that I go back home to work
Oh, it's sure now, I'm going to see the Cure in Germany (near Koblenz) in...
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Oh, it's sure now, I'm going to see the Cure in Germany (near Koblenz) in...
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aww thanks
and now i have a twin huh?

and now i have a twin huh?
oh, tu sais, la creation c'est dur pour tous, mais c'est exact que c'est sensiblement plus facile quand tu sais qu'il y aura une finalit pour tout cela. mais de toute faon, il n'y a plus de rgles maintenant, tout est au day-by-day car le milieu du disque est agonisant...on fait donc tout nous mme, y compris la promo et ce n'est pas drle de devoir se recevoir des fin de...non-recevoir par rapport qq chose d'aussi personnel et important que sa musique....
je te tiens au jus pour Lorelei !
ciao,jjs III
je te tiens au jus pour Lorelei !
ciao,jjs III
I had one of the most shitty weekend ever
On Friday night I went to that goth party I go to monthly (Lavandra : le squaw bar Yutz, John and France were there) and I finally had that long talk with that girl I have a crush on. It took me one hour to be able to talk to her (Im very shy) and we...
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On Friday night I went to that goth party I go to monthly (Lavandra : le squaw bar Yutz, John and France were there) and I finally had that long talk with that girl I have a crush on. It took me one hour to be able to talk to her (Im very shy) and we...
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oh, quel week-end d'hyper-daubesque dimensions
quand aux relations qui ne se nouent pas, esaye d'aller dans des endroits o tu ne vas pas d'habitude, puisque cela ne marche pas l ou tu vas d'habitude.....
ciao for now, jjs III

quand aux relations qui ne se nouent pas, esaye d'aller dans des endroits o tu ne vas pas d'habitude, puisque cela ne marche pas l ou tu vas d'habitude.....
ciao for now, jjs III
I saw that the Eaux Troubles party was cancelled again... I hope you knew it soon enough and didn't come to Nancy especially.
I went to Yutz once but didn't like it much. Sorry about the girl
What happened to your car there really sucks
Hope your father will take some rest, and that you will earn your money without becoming crazy lol. Try to sleep a bit
And i'm waiting for your set ideas
I went to Yutz once but didn't like it much. Sorry about the girl

Hope your father will take some rest, and that you will earn your money without becoming crazy lol. Try to sleep a bit

And i'm waiting for your set ideas

dsol bboy.