I just saw Crash tonight and I just feel heavy. I thought it was a fabulous movie, but it just spun me into a pensive mood. And then I got to thinking about SG and the time I spend just clicking around on it, and to a lesser extent, the internet in general.
Is all this clicking around just mental masturbation. Is it just creating mental static that will assassinate those other thoughts that are nipping at our heels? Dont get me wrong, the women on here are cool AND stunning, SGs and members alike, and the few Ive talked with guys seem cool.
I look at my writing, I write for children, and I think what the hell am I doing? Admittedly, these are rare thoughts, saying that I love writing is an understatement. In the first book, for the most part, the main characters all resolve their conflicts in a non-violent manner, but then I think of something truly substantial that someone has written, and I dont mean anything like a classic, Moby Dick for example (which as an aside I thought sucked). I mean more along the lines of any speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. So much shit goes down everyday and its hard not to despair. But damn it, I really believe that one person can make a difference. Look at anything by Chuck Palahniuk. Well, at least Fight Club. Everyone wants to make a dent, but its so easy to lose direction. Instead of saving the world, people save their returnable bottles. And Im not laying the blame on others, Im getting the 5 on my beer bottles.
Im a non-meat eater, I took a stand on not dissecting fetal pigs in my classroom, I dont eat fast food and I try to teach my students that where they spend their money is one of the loudest statements they can make to state their position.
And sometimes I talk about the three years I spent in South America and tell my students they don't know how good Americans have it. But what have I done to personally improve someone elses life? Fucked if I know. My favorite movie is/was/is Its a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stuart. Okay, I admit it, I cry every time that they bring him the money in the end. On one hand, Im thinking that its just a fantastic movie, on the other Im thinking this is just a balm for those folks who dont do something more with their live.
And I dont want to even start on that evil fuck George W.
What the fuck? Who knows? What a rant. Does anyone else get too caught up in this shit?
I'm just going to Mass and chill the fuck out at my Dad's for the weekend.
Is all this clicking around just mental masturbation. Is it just creating mental static that will assassinate those other thoughts that are nipping at our heels? Dont get me wrong, the women on here are cool AND stunning, SGs and members alike, and the few Ive talked with guys seem cool.
I look at my writing, I write for children, and I think what the hell am I doing? Admittedly, these are rare thoughts, saying that I love writing is an understatement. In the first book, for the most part, the main characters all resolve their conflicts in a non-violent manner, but then I think of something truly substantial that someone has written, and I dont mean anything like a classic, Moby Dick for example (which as an aside I thought sucked). I mean more along the lines of any speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. So much shit goes down everyday and its hard not to despair. But damn it, I really believe that one person can make a difference. Look at anything by Chuck Palahniuk. Well, at least Fight Club. Everyone wants to make a dent, but its so easy to lose direction. Instead of saving the world, people save their returnable bottles. And Im not laying the blame on others, Im getting the 5 on my beer bottles.
Im a non-meat eater, I took a stand on not dissecting fetal pigs in my classroom, I dont eat fast food and I try to teach my students that where they spend their money is one of the loudest statements they can make to state their position.
And sometimes I talk about the three years I spent in South America and tell my students they don't know how good Americans have it. But what have I done to personally improve someone elses life? Fucked if I know. My favorite movie is/was/is Its a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stuart. Okay, I admit it, I cry every time that they bring him the money in the end. On one hand, Im thinking that its just a fantastic movie, on the other Im thinking this is just a balm for those folks who dont do something more with their live.
And I dont want to even start on that evil fuck George W.

I haven't seen "Crash", but you have my curiosity piqued.
[Edited on Jul 03, 2005 3:12PM]