I really really hate dumb fucking kiss asses who act fake nice to people, get called out for something true and then are complete assholes.....
I hate the word tatt, or tats, or ink.....it's a goddamn TATTOO....2 syllable word....not that hard.
I hate people who do shitty tattoos and call themselves artists.
I hate dumb fucking overzealous half ass apprentices who tattoo things they have no business tattooing, respect for the industry, you're doing it wrong. Good luck unlearning bad habits.

Anywho, negative Nancy has left the building.
Been doing some fun stuff, with some fun people. And most of all, fun tattoos in a proper environment with supervision.
My birthday is May 16th, whoo...big deal, every year I count down less and less.
Hell City is going to be great....so excited!!!!!!
I've concluded that I may or may not want to be a part-time karaoke back up singer after doing karaoke at City Walk in Orlando last Sunday....hmm.
Been bowling a lot, and improving...haha. I went from a 44 to a 102....just needed the correct ball.
Hope to submit a new set soon, it's been too long.
Adios amigos. See some of you in a week or so.

I hate the word tatt, or tats, or ink.....it's a goddamn TATTOO....2 syllable word....not that hard.

I hate people who do shitty tattoos and call themselves artists.
I hate dumb fucking overzealous half ass apprentices who tattoo things they have no business tattooing, respect for the industry, you're doing it wrong. Good luck unlearning bad habits.

Anywho, negative Nancy has left the building.
Been doing some fun stuff, with some fun people. And most of all, fun tattoos in a proper environment with supervision.

My birthday is May 16th, whoo...big deal, every year I count down less and less.

Hell City is going to be great....so excited!!!!!!
I've concluded that I may or may not want to be a part-time karaoke back up singer after doing karaoke at City Walk in Orlando last Sunday....hmm.
Been bowling a lot, and improving...haha. I went from a 44 to a 102....just needed the correct ball.
Hope to submit a new set soon, it's been too long.
Adios amigos. See some of you in a week or so.

Happy happy birthday!!