Well, for the first time ever I had my taxes done and in the mail before Jan 31. Due to this fact I have gotten my return back already.
I now have a new used car, an '06 white ford focus. It's nice. They payments aren't horrible, but full coverage insurance is a BITCH. Such a scam, but a fully legal one, endorsed whole heartedly by our government.
Ah well, I'm just glad to have a car that the wheels don't shimmy and slip every time there is rain or snow on the ground, and I know the car will start when I turn the key.
I now participate in a Role Playing Game on sundays.

God I love being a N3rD
I have recently come to a descision.
I might actually start going out on Wed and Thurs again.
I went to check out a wed night at Luna, and found it mildy amusing, but i blame that on not having been out and about in a while. I think in my snobby hey day I would of bitched up a storm at how bad it sucked. Shows you how times change and oh how the mighty have fallen.
As far as Thurs nights I think I will start hitting up 80's night at Luna. That is always a good time, and has been for years and years now, althou I will probably have to go check out this new industrial night "Circus Obscene" at theThe Ritz in Warren, just to see if the crowd is any good (althou knowing most weekday goth nights in Detroit, I assume the worst).
Ah well, like I always say, "Oh well have fun, and if it's not fun, we'll make it fun!!!"
I hope all is well in your life, and that you are at least enjoying a moment or three while living it!!!

I now have a new used car, an '06 white ford focus. It's nice. They payments aren't horrible, but full coverage insurance is a BITCH. Such a scam, but a fully legal one, endorsed whole heartedly by our government.
Ah well, I'm just glad to have a car that the wheels don't shimmy and slip every time there is rain or snow on the ground, and I know the car will start when I turn the key.
I now participate in a Role Playing Game on sundays.

God I love being a N3rD
I have recently come to a descision.
I might actually start going out on Wed and Thurs again.
I went to check out a wed night at Luna, and found it mildy amusing, but i blame that on not having been out and about in a while. I think in my snobby hey day I would of bitched up a storm at how bad it sucked. Shows you how times change and oh how the mighty have fallen.

As far as Thurs nights I think I will start hitting up 80's night at Luna. That is always a good time, and has been for years and years now, althou I will probably have to go check out this new industrial night "Circus Obscene" at theThe Ritz in Warren, just to see if the crowd is any good (althou knowing most weekday goth nights in Detroit, I assume the worst).
Ah well, like I always say, "Oh well have fun, and if it's not fun, we'll make it fun!!!"
I hope all is well in your life, and that you are at least enjoying a moment or three while living it!!!

whats up Frank?
i'm not worried about anything other being able to move from this godforsaken state