Wow sorry, been a long time since my last update. Trying to make the best of the summer. Signed up for alot of charity running events so it forces me to keep training. The older i get the more i want to keep in shape. Hope you all have a great summer.
So looking forward to spring. Did a polar bear plunge last weekend. Water was alot colder then last years. Didnt help we had 40 mile an hour winds. Signed myself for alot of charity events. A challange makes life more interesting and keeps me in shape.Hope your all having a good year so far.
Just want to say a happy and safe new year to all . If your going to drink bring a sleeping bag and crash. Always fun to do New years day breakfasts with hungover friends.
Been a pretty mellow fall so far. Training for a few charity events. Love biking and running on the pennsylvania canal towpath,60 miles long. Found a new fun place to hang out called the Maryland Renfair. Its the best renfair ive found so far,all in a forest.
I have to stop signing up for all these charity events. Signed up for one to climb all the stairs to the top of the empire states building and and a running weekend at Disney world for a marathon and a half. If this works out ill be the fittest man in the world or dead . Well atleast its for charity. If the SG... Read More
I say a prayer for my friends in Japan and the pacific islands. Im watching the weather channel with live feed from Hawaii, tsunami wave on the way any minute. A friend of mine who lives in Maui has been giving me updates on facebook as well. Shes now on higher ground.
we have a few things for ours. we got one of those emery board things, and wendy uses that, but alice won't. so alice has to wear claw caps because she ignores all of the stuff we buy her to scratch on and she hooks her nails into my skin. ouch. xD
Wow its been quite awile since my last post. Last year was quite a rough year for me and my family.We lost a few members and friends. So since my last post ive been trying to do good for others by doing charity events. Since the breast cancer run in october ive done Run Disney in january [one of the funnest runs ive ever done]... Read More
I am inspired by your drive to turn your loss into someone else's gain. May you be blessed in (and for) your endeavors. My LARP chapter helped with Santas for Seniors in our community and it was awesome!
Its october,which to me is charity running and walking month. I just did a breast cancer run at six flags great adventure . It was amazing ,4000 runners showed up. The event grows bigger every year. Everywhere you look you see pink .I just hope this all leads to a cure in my lifetime,ive lost alot of friends and relatives to cancer.