Happy New Year everyone!
I'm really excited for 2011. I think it can be a year that brings me much closer to who I want to become. I had a really nice New Years with some close friends and spent the night talking and reflecting on 2010 and the changes that I need to make, and I think I'm ready to move forward with them.
On a completely unrelated note, I really want to do a set for the SuicideBoy group. Anybody interested in shooting me?
I hope everyone is having an amazing day!
I'm really excited for 2011. I think it can be a year that brings me much closer to who I want to become. I had a really nice New Years with some close friends and spent the night talking and reflecting on 2010 and the changes that I need to make, and I think I'm ready to move forward with them.
On a completely unrelated note, I really want to do a set for the SuicideBoy group. Anybody interested in shooting me?

I hope everyone is having an amazing day!
im glad u enjoyed my stop motion!
and time for myself..? not as much as i'd like!
yes let me know! I'd love to take you out an about!
and take you to some sexy dark and velvet red bars!
oh i miss them!