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Newest update!
On April 1st I finally phased out the poultry group after the month of March. I'll admit that this will be my toughest challenge in regards to making the switch to vegetarian because it was the main meat product that I ate. I find that now that it is phased out, i'm almost entirely veggie as it is, since I don't eat a lot of fish anyway.
I'm proud that I have made it this far, and am proud to be rid of poultry since they are treated so terribly in the meat trade business, even compared to other animals!
I will be looking into some other sources of iron for the future, because until I become familiar with this lifestyle, I find I may be neglecting the nutrients that I need to be healthy, and that wouldn't be good at all!
If any of you have some suggestions on how to get my iron, and also some tasty foods with protein so I don't have to rely so much on soy that would be awesome!
congrats on the new lifestyle!