mmmmmmm pancakes and horseradish...
what would you do if chickens could talk??
Maybe get one as a pet and teach it to say "Don't choke the chicken?"
mmmmm poptarts and everclear...........
today is a good day to get drunk and fly a kite....
um, isn't that pretty much every day?

today is another like any other day except today isnt that day
if you are reading this you must be extremely board or really drunk....
never drink bong water
what would happen in a fight between the power rangers and the transformers, who would win???
Transformers. No question
Transformers anytime...Soundwave could whoop all they're asses
smurfs taste like chicken.................
never pee uphill in the wind................
never clog in a monestary......................
never eat 40 pounds of ex-lax......................