ever read a book that's so damn good you can't put it down and go to sleep when you need too? if not, you should try it. trouble is, you lose precious sleep... i hate sleeping though. it's such a waiste of time. by the time you die you will have spent twenty-four years of your life asleep. that's a lot. i have to go to a black tie wedding this weekend
watch for pics of yours truly in a tux. i'm feeling a little disconnected lately probably from staying up to late. i've been working on this song that is totally out of my genre (country) for my girlfriend. i must be in love, i've never done something like that before but in order to stay true to who i am artistically it's got some weird chord variations, minor keys, and other stuff that you don't ordinarily find in pop or country music. in related news a friend of mine is in the big brother/sister program and has asked me to put together a hip hop song for his little brother to rap to. i figure showing this kid that there are people out there who care and are willing to do cool things for complete strangers will help him grow to be strong and wise in the future. JESU CHRISTO i'm tired. have a groovey weekend my pretties.
Ever read the Lovely Bones? I recommend it. Yeah doing any country music would only have to mean you're in love....why else would you put yourself through the torture!
Happy Wednesday!
read the book and saw the movie. it was a good read, and a decent film, but the translation was kinda shady.