So I haven't in a long time bought comics. I went to a comic store for cards and asked the guy about new comics. And saga was suggested just looking at the art I was intrested. Does anyone else read this? I just got done reading volume one I will def be getting the rest of them.
Fun fact: Fiona Staples was a long time member of SuicideGirls. Not active anymore though, sadly.
had the best sleep all year last night, yeah lol 

starting my list of things to get done for my move to denver soon. so excited!
i love the cartoon network. ive been watching archer and loiter squad. so funny.
OMG I love Archer! So funny!

The first video with my beats : )
i dislike liars. lie to me ur done for good. its like the worst thing u can do to a person is let them believe something that is not real.
Ughh, I had someone lie to me for 4 months.
They deserve a long walk off a short pier.
They deserve a long walk off a short pier.
Dreaming is cool yeah?
I lost 7 close friends this year, only thing to do is stay positive and remember the good times! And my garden always made me feel better, but now I'm just down to a few house plants, I still love them though
thanks for the add