Having one of those nights where you just feel bitterly desperately alone in the world. Don't see my friends often anymore, I only really talk to people outside of work and my family through text messages or IMs. It gets really old, I guess I'm doing this to myself without knowing it, but fuuuuck, I hate it.
I know I am far away, but I am always around if you need me
I am sorry you felt that way and my dumb ass passed out from exhaustion! But SERIOUSLY YOU ARE MY BFF and if you want to talk on the phone just call!! YOU DONT NEED my premission just do it I always love talking to you! I wish we were closer so we could hang out! But I am always here and usually not doing anything! I am always available during the day! Nights are harder but I would make time for you! Anyways keep your chin up I LOVE YOU!!! I know small consilation! and yes I cant spell! haha! Love you sweets-ireland