For those of you who do not have Twitter, or do not follow me on it, then you missed my little journey last night. I watched the movie Beastmaster and twitted my reactions throughout the course of the 118 minute running time. I received a total of two complaints and gained 6 new followers on Twitter. Someone tell me how that isn't a success.... Read More
Okay. So I don't expect any of you to read this. It's long, and it's not really a personal blog about my life. It's about time travel. Enjoy.
Thanks to my Xbox 360 and Netflixs View Instantly feature, Im on the fifth episode of Heroes Season 3 and I remember again why I stopped watching. Its not just that the characters are incredibly stupid, even... Read More
I've been wanting to write a blog for the last week-- since LOST, anyway. But every day after work, my brain has been mush. I'll get to it, eventually, but until then here's some of the ideas swirling 'round my noggin:
As an avid reader of Ebert's movie reviews, I usually can't get enough of his recent ones and find myself scouring his archives to see what he thought about flicks I haven't seen in years, reviews I was too young to read (or just missed) in their original printing. So, discovering today--... Read More
the dallas zoo totally sucks. except for the animals. i love all animals. for the most part anyway. last time i was there was the last time they had that monorail thing. which was the only cool thing they had. oh well.
Update on my blog about The New Yorker's Watchmen spoiling review:
They're posting my best friend Jordan's email in their upcoming issue! So, while I am a bit jealous that he's getting the acknowledgment and not me (especially since I'm the reason he knew about it), it is very cool that they took our concerns seriously. Guess Harry Knowles isn't the only one capable of... Read More
bahaha I know what you mean. out of everything I'm "supposed" to do I tweak to make it work for me and there's going to be things I want to avoid training someone with!
Sorry. I was meaning to write back much sooner, I just... Well, I never thought I'd say this and actually mean it, but it just slipped my mind: I haven't been "too busy", not that I... Read More
you're right, the job itself doesn't bother me at all. it's the guests and their inability to sleep fucking bastards. why they're at the front desk at 3am trying to start shit, i don't understand. what is the web series about?
In preparation for "Watchmen" (coming out this Friday, for which I already have tickets), I've been reading reviews over at Rotten Tomatoes. Most have gotten me even more excited about seeing the movie I've been waiting for since 1992, even the not-so-positive ones. I mean, expected it to be a love it or hate it game, even (and especially) among my fanboys,and... Read More
For those that don't know, which I imagine is everyone, I'm a news junkie. This is a fairly new aspect of my personality, within the last two years, spurred mainly by following the 2008 Presidential Election-- specifically, Barack Obama. Oh, sure, I used to watch my fair share of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, and read the occasional New York Times op-ed pieces,... Read More
Thank you for the words you left in my blog. Your a really great guy! Im feeling much better now. So happy to hear you like my sets Im hoping for hotel sheets aswell! Hows your weekend going?love/Key
Zack and Miri Make a Porno: Official Review (As approved of by Suicide Girl MEMBER=Annika])
Porn: the Ultimate Equalizer
Much has been made of Kevin Smiths new movie co-opting the Judd Apatow formula, even utilizing many players from the Apatow Troupe (Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Robertson, and Gerry Bednob in a silly, wasted cameo). Unfortunately, I cannot argue with this assessment. The appearance of... Read More