A little under the weather. Seem to be gradually cultivating this cold or upper respiratory ickness.... and then I may have fractured my toe again. shoosh.
mostly just tired. Winter's coming on. I really don't like winter. I'm not huge on the whole holiday season and that seems to be winter's only redeeming quality. I hate being cold. absolutely hate it. I can sit in a hot 120 degree space and just sort of absorb it. I get cold and it's like it instantly gets into my bones and I can't function. It's the worst thing about being a motorcyclist. This damn cold. ugh.
back to work tomorrow. I'll have to get some photos. It's interesting. Basically....my job in heating and air conditioning gets pretty slow in the winter here in central Texas...but I've been given the project of fixing a bunch of broken down pieces of equipment through the winter. It guarantees me hours and I get to tinker with machines like you'd imagine your grandfather might have done in his garage with an old wonky radio sitting on his workbench. I've set up a workspace in an old sheet metal shop in a warehouse. very industrial chic. lit with extension cord lights and flickering fluorescents. concrete floor. old metal cabinets. that kind of vibe.
so anyway...at least I'll have steady work that might keep me interested for a couple weeks.
my work cave:

my desk:

edit: the only thing worse than having to take a sick day off of work because you are actually sick is being wakened from your deep, healing slumber by a pair of Jehovah Witness ladies. It is, though, the best reason to answer the door in boxer-briefs, with goop dripping out of your nose, and a voice like Frankenstein's monster.
mostly just tired. Winter's coming on. I really don't like winter. I'm not huge on the whole holiday season and that seems to be winter's only redeeming quality. I hate being cold. absolutely hate it. I can sit in a hot 120 degree space and just sort of absorb it. I get cold and it's like it instantly gets into my bones and I can't function. It's the worst thing about being a motorcyclist. This damn cold. ugh.
back to work tomorrow. I'll have to get some photos. It's interesting. Basically....my job in heating and air conditioning gets pretty slow in the winter here in central Texas...but I've been given the project of fixing a bunch of broken down pieces of equipment through the winter. It guarantees me hours and I get to tinker with machines like you'd imagine your grandfather might have done in his garage with an old wonky radio sitting on his workbench. I've set up a workspace in an old sheet metal shop in a warehouse. very industrial chic. lit with extension cord lights and flickering fluorescents. concrete floor. old metal cabinets. that kind of vibe.
so anyway...at least I'll have steady work that might keep me interested for a couple weeks.
my work cave:

my desk:

edit: the only thing worse than having to take a sick day off of work because you are actually sick is being wakened from your deep, healing slumber by a pair of Jehovah Witness ladies. It is, though, the best reason to answer the door in boxer-briefs, with goop dripping out of your nose, and a voice like Frankenstein's monster.
And aging sucks, but it's a thousand times better than the alternative....
Feel better!