Suffice to say, I had a wonderful time with my nerdy friend, he never fails to entertain. No really, he doesn't. Late night random band practices, Hancock, black and white film porn, 2 girls 1 cup, a car wreck (into a bus), sexy time, and some awesome people. That was what Florida equated to.
One of those awesome people being Tyna. She shot my set for me, and she pretty much rules. For reals yo.

Not to mention adorable. We did our own little shoot together, possibly because the entirety of my trip had an overwhelming Dresden Dolls tang to it. Seeing as we are in love with Amanda Palmer, we got all punk cabaret and silly.
Please don't ask me for any of the pictures from either my set, or the one we did together. She has those, and she's gonna photoshop us pretty and whatnot, but she's a busy college girl just like me, so things will go up as they get done. However, if we feel frisky and some shots are ready, we may share *evil grin*
Also...if you have no idea who The Dresden Dolls are, go beat yourself and then go listen to them.
All I have listened to this summer is:
Mindless Self Indulgence (the new album "If" is FANtastic)
The Dresden Dolls
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Gogol Bordello (I blame the movie "Wristcutters" for that)
Anywho, I was a cam whore in Florida:
As for current life...I still work at Hot Topic, but the manager has gone bat shit crazy, so if I find a supplement to my income, I'm so gone.
I move into my apartment August 1st, yay!!!
Classes start August 20, and I can't wait (don't patronize me, I'm a nerd)
I'm obsessed with Dark Knight...seriously, that movie was so fantastic. And to bring it around even better, Nicolelee did the most AMAZING Joker tribute set. Seriously, I wanted to do one, but she did it so well I fell I would shame the name to try to follow up what she did. It's amazing, and if you haven't seen it, What the FUCK is wrong with you? OMG it's great.
I'm enjoying this new system for set acceptance. I feel like more creative and oddly gorgeous sets are getting accepted. It's also a great feeling to know you helped a girl out with something she worked hard on.
I'll probably shoot a new set soon, and once I do, and I post it, I will surely tell you guys so that you can leave fantastical comments on it for me, because you guys are great.
And I SWEAR I WILL get to an SGNC party soon! Even if I have to clear out an entire weekend, and make up and excuse to have a party, I WILL!!!! And you know I'm serious because I used Uppercase.
time to read myself to sleep now.
I keep forgetting to get a hold of people, so if you need something from me, just email me at, and just make the subject line something about you or sg so I dont ignore it.
Once I get moved in, I really am going to be more social, promises!!!