My brain may just well explode...but thats cool
It'll feed the zombies, lol
Yea we're still working on the zombie movie Teatime of the Dead, thats the link to the myspace account if you want to love it.
So I know I have alluded to a new set, and that it may be slightly Zombie based...well screw that, it's going to be all Zombie based. Hopefully you all will love it.
I just read the new guide lines for getting sets accepted. I was hella confused at first and then it made more sense as I read along. It could be a much better system, and help girls get accepted more quickly, but it could also go south pretty quickly too. Some girls may not get quite the feed back they deserve. But I don't think it will, as they said, I think it will be a better way to handle sets, so that different views of beauty can be portrayed and shown through out the site.
If thats the case then I hope everyone loves Zombie gore and a naked chick covered in fake blood, because thats what my friend and I have planned so far!!! lol
School related news...One month left of this semester, you have no idea how ready I am for this to semester to just end...seriously...I didn't expect it to get this hectic this year, but it did and I'm burning out. Hopefully I can make it through all my exams in one piece though!
Also, I went on an adventure for's photographic evidence, keep in mind, this is just with my little personal digital cam, so don't be too mean to my pics!
It'll feed the zombies, lol
Yea we're still working on the zombie movie Teatime of the Dead, thats the link to the myspace account if you want to love it.
So I know I have alluded to a new set, and that it may be slightly Zombie based...well screw that, it's going to be all Zombie based. Hopefully you all will love it.
I just read the new guide lines for getting sets accepted. I was hella confused at first and then it made more sense as I read along. It could be a much better system, and help girls get accepted more quickly, but it could also go south pretty quickly too. Some girls may not get quite the feed back they deserve. But I don't think it will, as they said, I think it will be a better way to handle sets, so that different views of beauty can be portrayed and shown through out the site.
If thats the case then I hope everyone loves Zombie gore and a naked chick covered in fake blood, because thats what my friend and I have planned so far!!! lol
School related news...One month left of this semester, you have no idea how ready I am for this to semester to just end...seriously...I didn't expect it to get this hectic this year, but it did and I'm burning out. Hopefully I can make it through all my exams in one piece though!
Also, I went on an adventure for's photographic evidence, keep in mind, this is just with my little personal digital cam, so don't be too mean to my pics!
Yeah, playing games at work is really bad for me. It makes me lazy and not wanting to do anything. But, if there's nothing to do....**shrug**
Feeling blah about your body? Okay, drop and give me 25 situps every day!
i hope you had a decent weekend. It was ookie and rainy for us, so probably for you too. It was good inside weather.
Have a great week. Love you!