First off, we have The Irish Pub Party!!
Our second one ever...the Irish Pub Party is where we take over our friends house, convert it into an "Irish Pub", bring only Irish alcohols to drink, and listen to Irish music with the occasional interuptions by us splitting off in to groups and serenading each other with raunchy Irish songs (such as "Barnable Bill the Sailor")
So here's some pics...
Us being silly with crazy camera angles...

The Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert!!!
I love the RHCP, Ryan and Panda went with me, we had a great time, and the show was awesome!!!
Not a pic I took, but it is from the night we went
Acid Park
the story here is that a girl got in a wreck coming home from prom, her Dad went nuts and built this entire plave out of reflectors and old street signs to warn people of this curve.
Supposedly at 2 am on a prom night, you can hear her scream...
There isnt any telling how much of this is valid, but the park is wonderful
Yes the pics are dark, but your onle supposed to go see it at night so your car lights hit all the reflectors
A far off view of the Park
Ok I ran out of attachment in the next journal I'll post the rest of Acid Park, and then our Beach trip!!
I told you last week was an eventful one!!
Now if I can just live through this week then we'll be great!!!
Love you all, stay safe, have fun, and enjoy what you can out of life, it isn't worth it to be unhappy, life isn't perfect right now, but hey, I'm working on it!
PS. Finally, I got that pic of you framed. I think you'll like it.