I am in a delicious mood today...sooo
Ask The V anything!!
Ok...or Stina if you prefer...lol
Classes were fun today, I didn't get lost which is an upside. While my romantic situation may not be ideal, right now, I am just content to have my friend. I have no urge to tear into him, perhaps sit him down and be honest, and it I ever feel the need to tear I will, but I'm content, because while a lot of people are awkward going from a relationship to just friend phase, I think it could work out better for the both of right now, I think it'll make for more solid, reliable friends.
But this whole situation has solidified another friendship of mine, with someone I met because of my romantic endeavor, and she is now a very close friend of mine, probably one I could not have dealt with all of this without, So, Thanks to My Sami, My Ali, and My Panda, I am surviving in the ECU world. Panda and I have been leaning on each other a lot lately, for basically the same reasons, but I'm getting her through hers the best that I can
Not to mention the wonderful people here who cared a whole hell of a lot more than I expected. Seriously, I love you guys.
And yea, I'll be bothering my mom to send me the disk of my set soon...unless I wanna be patient and wait to get it when I go home this weekend...if I go home...who knows...I still don't have a car but I think I may threaten to not come home for the 3 day weekend unless I have my own vehicle to drive back to school in...I doubt the theat will hold much weight for my parents, but you never know...maybe Daddy will get it fixed...lol
On the Family front, we're all feeling better about Grandpa passing, we're recovering and thankfully Grandma finally started getting better since she's been sick for awhile. I've also been keeping in better contact with my cousin, he's insane, and he's only family by marriage, but he's my cousin and I love him.
Wow I'm just full of the love today aren't I? Perhaps, that and I realized I can't bring it into my heart to hate or be angry with people. Sit them down for serious conversations, yes, angry wrath of hell, no.
Ok time to go send my cousin evil pics and wait for Panda to get out of class so I can go buy books for class.
Ask The V anything!!
Ok...or Stina if you prefer...lol
Classes were fun today, I didn't get lost which is an upside. While my romantic situation may not be ideal, right now, I am just content to have my friend. I have no urge to tear into him, perhaps sit him down and be honest, and it I ever feel the need to tear I will, but I'm content, because while a lot of people are awkward going from a relationship to just friend phase, I think it could work out better for the both of right now, I think it'll make for more solid, reliable friends.
But this whole situation has solidified another friendship of mine, with someone I met because of my romantic endeavor, and she is now a very close friend of mine, probably one I could not have dealt with all of this without, So, Thanks to My Sami, My Ali, and My Panda, I am surviving in the ECU world. Panda and I have been leaning on each other a lot lately, for basically the same reasons, but I'm getting her through hers the best that I can
Not to mention the wonderful people here who cared a whole hell of a lot more than I expected. Seriously, I love you guys.
And yea, I'll be bothering my mom to send me the disk of my set soon...unless I wanna be patient and wait to get it when I go home this weekend...if I go home...who knows...I still don't have a car but I think I may threaten to not come home for the 3 day weekend unless I have my own vehicle to drive back to school in...I doubt the theat will hold much weight for my parents, but you never know...maybe Daddy will get it fixed...lol
On the Family front, we're all feeling better about Grandpa passing, we're recovering and thankfully Grandma finally started getting better since she's been sick for awhile. I've also been keeping in better contact with my cousin, he's insane, and he's only family by marriage, but he's my cousin and I love him.
Wow I'm just full of the love today aren't I? Perhaps, that and I realized I can't bring it into my heart to hate or be angry with people. Sit them down for serious conversations, yes, angry wrath of hell, no.
Ok time to go send my cousin evil pics and wait for Panda to get out of class so I can go buy books for class.

Love you.