Vacation is less than a week away for Zack and myself. Lets hope things are better when we come back.
I'm so exhausted. I need this vacation so badly. WE need this vacation so badly. Between school and work and social issues, it's been rocky lately. My roomies are killing me, sonny (the dog) wont stop shitting EVERYWHERE (probably since his owner never takes him out anymore). Not to mention she keeps having me work for her for one reason or another and then comes into the restaurant when I'm working a double to cover her shift so she can drink. My other roomie just got pregnant to get her boyfriend back (it worked) because he told her he didn't wanna be with her anymore and had been using her car and her credit card to start dating another girl while she was at work every day. She's dumb, and he's back, and he steals. fucking lame.
I'm ready to get away. It may only be 3 days, but I really need it. I have gotten to the point where I can't stand anyone lately, and me and Zack fight constantly, and I'm just tired. I want to sleep for a week straight. Work alone stresses me out enough as it is, not to mention worrying about studying for school, playing mommy and having to get bill money out of everyone and taking care of that, and trying to get my life organized.
I'm buying a hammock. That should make things better.
before makeup

after makeup

I'm so exhausted. I need this vacation so badly. WE need this vacation so badly. Between school and work and social issues, it's been rocky lately. My roomies are killing me, sonny (the dog) wont stop shitting EVERYWHERE (probably since his owner never takes him out anymore). Not to mention she keeps having me work for her for one reason or another and then comes into the restaurant when I'm working a double to cover her shift so she can drink. My other roomie just got pregnant to get her boyfriend back (it worked) because he told her he didn't wanna be with her anymore and had been using her car and her credit card to start dating another girl while she was at work every day. She's dumb, and he's back, and he steals. fucking lame.
I'm ready to get away. It may only be 3 days, but I really need it. I have gotten to the point where I can't stand anyone lately, and me and Zack fight constantly, and I'm just tired. I want to sleep for a week straight. Work alone stresses me out enough as it is, not to mention worrying about studying for school, playing mommy and having to get bill money out of everyone and taking care of that, and trying to get my life organized.
I'm buying a hammock. That should make things better.
before makeup

after makeup

Where you going for your getaway? I so hope that you can relax and you guys can just enjoy. I hate it when things get so stressful and the picking at each other starts. Drives us crazy when we do that.
Love you.
I lived with my boss once... terrible, terrible decision. I regretted it pretty thoroughly. Vent to me if you need to!