Sooo, yea, A lot has happened lately. I love my new place, it's awesome. I'm getting all my furniture this week, I've already bought it all and I love it... There's a new guy in my life... His name is Zack, but I call him Ginger... We got really drunk the night we first started talking and I called him Little Baby Ginger for some reason, and its stuck since then.. he's younger than me... but he's awesome. Here's some pics to updatteee...
This is the cat. I'm not a fan of cats, but as far as this one goes, she is okay.
I really like this pic of Zack for some reason
Here he is though, this is Zack
This is my room mate Tori
Me and Ash outside after the Hottness and Thunderlip show
Me and Tori afta da show
I got bored after showertime the other day

Well , I have a hard time getting on this site since I currently steal internet til I can afford to get mine hooked up, but let me know whats going on with you guys! Also, Its easier for me to get on myspace, so send me a message on there!

This is the cat. I'm not a fan of cats, but as far as this one goes, she is okay.

I really like this pic of Zack for some reason

Here he is though, this is Zack

This is my room mate Tori

Me and Ash outside after the Hottness and Thunderlip show

Me and Tori afta da show

I got bored after showertime the other day

Well , I have a hard time getting on this site since I currently steal internet til I can afford to get mine hooked up, but let me know whats going on with you guys! Also, Its easier for me to get on myspace, so send me a message on there!
Good luck on that test. I'm sure you'll kick some major butt on it.
You should have bought that Target's cute AND very comfy. And it spins!