I am so exhausted. Mentally and physically, but luckily NOT monetarily.
I'm doing an amazing job saving. I take 20 from my paycheck each week and put it into savings as well as using "keep the change" which takes the change when I use my debit card and puts it into savings. AWESOME IDEA.
I almost spent all my tip money today on spontaneously going... Read More
Cute! Looks like she was smuggled in with the laundry.
I'm glad things are going pretty well for you. And Yay for the washer/dryer. I know that'll make things more pleasant, being able to do laundry at home.
Vacation is less than a week away for Zack and myself. Lets hope things are better when we come back.
I'm so exhausted. I need this vacation so badly. WE need this vacation so badly. Between school and work and social issues, it's been rocky lately. My roomies are killing me, sonny (the dog) wont stop shitting EVERYWHERE (probably since his owner never takes him... Read More
Where you going for your getaway? I so hope that you can relax and you guys can just enjoy. I hate it when things get so stressful and the picking at each other starts. Drives us crazy when we do that.
I'm halfway through cleaning up my room. I've finally unpacked ALL the boxes from when I moved and throw out trashbag after trashbag of shit. I also have a ton of clothes that are going to goodwill. this is taking foreverrrrrrr.
My cramps are so bad tonight that I had to take a vicodin to help. I'm kinda ready for bed,but I have to... Read More
It's been a long couple of weeks. I'm freakin' exhausted and still don't know when I'll have time to rest.
I think I have a sinus infection, but who knows. I just know I'm really stuffy and coughing like crazy and worn out all the time. That may also be because I haven't had a day off in over 2 weeks and won't get one... Read More
I lost my computer too for over a month and it drove me crazy! Glad to hear you got yours back!
Awwwwwww your niece is adorable!
I know I'm running behind but I did just read about how you feel like you fucked up and to that I say...everyone is different. I know it sounds cliche, but hear me out. Everyone comes through life in their own way and sometimes the path that others go just isn't right for you. I just went through school, took forever (I had to take off time too) and realized that I'd picked the wrong job and thankfully was about to work it out to go back to school. I guess what I'm saying is that there are many many paths to happiness and it doesn't work on a timetable. Sometimes you have to stop and start again later. It's all good. Just follow your heart and it'll work out. Listen to yourself, take care of yourself, and it'll happen when it happens.
You can do it. It just might take longer than others. But that okay. It's all good as long as you can live and get through and find happiness.
Okay. Now I'm done being Yoda. But it's true.
I wish you the best of luck with everything. Big hugs!