Wow, I'm actually updating my journal again, hell has frozen over!
Anyway, I put up a bunch of new pics, and actually organized them right.
Now I just need a job. Badly. Yesterday. Actually, no, last month. I missed my first bill payment the other day and I have a feeling things are just going to get worse from here.
I am so screwed.

Now I just need a job. Badly. Yesterday. Actually, no, last month. I missed my first bill payment the other day and I have a feeling things are just going to get worse from here.
I am so screwed.

oh my, i checked out your home for 21 1/2 years of your life and i just want you to know that i am really very sorry. i would laugh but it isn't funny. very sad indeed. you got laid for the first time at the age of 23 which is no wonder. corpses and animals aren't much fun and neither are retards. i'm glad to know that you were holding out for a hero. even if she turned out to be a lesbian.

biker mice from mars? it's not on anymore, there might be dvds though.