3:33am. V-day.
aahhh Sunday... "sunday is my i don't have to run day" recovery day on the bike, bosses are not at work, doggies and i lay around in our pjs, and then Little Steven's Underground Garage is on the radio! I feel that radio in the next couple of years is going to be the next "real" punk rock outlet. after the demise of the Corporate...
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Little Stevy Rocks!

how in the f do you upload pictures that are larger than the stupid 100k!!!!!!!???????? aaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!

happy big one!!

happy big one!!
Happy birthday, baby! 

Hello cats and kittens! These days have been COLD! As i'm sure anyone who lives east of california will know... i really thought that it wasn't gonna happen! it has really had an effect on me and many others. its time to hybernate people! get inside....make some hot chocolate...hot totties... tea.... whatever floats your boat. make the best of it and remember soon it will...
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I love to ride my bike.....I don't create pollution and I keep in shape!My father repairs track bikes now that he's retired..he's a fanatic!Colnago,bianchi,etc..You know?

New pic before bed. It's snowing! And i feel very nostalgic. Who wants to go sleigh riding?
haven't been sleighriding in ages.... or any type of tube or whatever riding...
i fucking want a hork it shirt.... seriously.... how can i get my hands on one??!
i fucking want a hork it shirt.... seriously.... how can i get my hands on one??!
Sempre viva la bici!!!!

No Sabrina's today.. got real lazy and decided to spend QT with the dogs. Made a great dinner though. doggies are getting sick. Suprized that i haven't yet. Usually when the weather changes like this i start dripping from the nose. drip drip. i hate it! All crusting up on my face and shit. Spent way too much time drinking this last week! No more...
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thanks for commenting on my set. i'm glad you enjoyed it

haha... i have no idea what was on the back of the pig... i kinda just nod, and accept things without questioning!! haha... but fuck, it was tasty!!
i'm working on my 3rd cold this winter... ugh... so sick of it... i'm at the end of this one... i just got a whole lotta flem stuck between my throat.... i keep trying to hork it up... but it's stubborn, and remains stuck.... meh... haha...
i'm working on my 3rd cold this winter... ugh... so sick of it... i'm at the end of this one... i just got a whole lotta flem stuck between my throat.... i keep trying to hork it up... but it's stubborn, and remains stuck.... meh... haha...
Not much to report today.... Just looking foward to the couple of nice days ahead before the whole... "its cold as Hell" starts again. And really looking foward to breakfast at Sabrina's Cafe this saturday. I fing LOVE their french toast! aaahhhhhh! I think i have a tapeworm. So it goes.
whoo boy. the cold of philly is setting in. it has seemed to take a little longer than usual, but alas the time has come. this can only mean one thing....no spring! i hate that shit. it seems that we only have two maybe three seasons nowadays. what happened to spring? i know its a little early to be thinking about it but, today it...
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haha... yay for hip lovers!!!