I love those days were you just feel content in the moment. Today is one of those, I haven't really done much but I just feel happy. I painted a little hated the end result and it doesn't matter art doest have to be perfect.

I am excited though I am going to Halloween Haunt with one of my best friends and her boyfriend I...
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I know the feeling (I too love Nina Simone btw). How long has it been since your last serious relationship?
Okay boys and girls I just saw the movie Rendition, and I have to say I thought it was very good I left the movies hating the US Gov. the movie makes them look over zealous. Well I will let you see for yourself.

Thats all I have

That movie looks a bit intriguing. I don't know though. How whiny is Reese Witherspoon in it?
Thanks for the add by the way.
You should go to the next SGIE event in Redlands. smile
Next time you come to L.A. you should try and make it for this.
Help I cant sleep, my mind wont shut up and I don't fall asleep until 3 or 5 in the morning then I don't get out of bed until 2 pm. I know some of you think this is nice to sleep in so late but it is getting old I start a new job at the end of the month and I will have...
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i almost mnever buy CDs and DVDs at teh store now, it always bums me out. it's not that i don't have the money, i just always find myself mumbling 'ah, i can get it cheaper online'. . . but it's not really the same as going and BUYING it, is it?

i have that problem with sleep. i find myself sometimes going to bed ridicuolously early because i KNOW it's going to take hours for me to GET to sleep, like i can't get the cogs in my thought-machine to stop working. i find listening to music on headphones helps. when i GET to sleep, i sleep. it's just GETTING to sleep that's the problem.

channeling my angst into painting. that's more or less what i'm doing. i've been off work this week, and aside from a couple of daytrips, i've been painting for hours in pretty much every room of my apartment. a lot of it is just kind of a mess, but it's cathartic. as you say, it's hard to sleep with a knife in your back, but getting to the end of the day and feeling like you've accomplished something helps. that said, i can't wait to go back to work - i'm twiddling my thumbs a bit now.

have a good weekend smile
so you're a retail manager, for what company may i ask?
Hello, I am not one for interductions I never really know what to say.... I look forward to meeting some of you
Nice to meet you, I see a bit of a tat peeking out on your shoulder... what's it of?
Thank you all for welcoming me to SG. The question has come up as to what my tat is on my arm, well i'll tell you. It is two sparrows with swirls and stars in the background, I also have a dragonfly on the small of my back and another star on the inside of my left wrist.