very annoying when you are on a site (not this one) and have to "type in" the two illegible nonsense words like Grhh&7k Bicylhe#...and after squinting like a mofo for 15 seconds to try and adequately approximate capital O from some made-up letter that it REALLY looks like.....feeling confident you've "done it"...
you hit "refresh the image" instead of "send" and the whole epic of post-modern life begins anew. Odysseus had to sail home from Troy, Huck Finn sailed the Mississippi, Amelia Earhardt aviated into the unknown....and we get to try and figure out if that's a U with an umlaut (seriously?) in FrruUg&Lucaks so we can email a newspaper article to a comrade.
you hit "refresh the image" instead of "send" and the whole epic of post-modern life begins anew. Odysseus had to sail home from Troy, Huck Finn sailed the Mississippi, Amelia Earhardt aviated into the unknown....and we get to try and figure out if that's a U with an umlaut (seriously?) in FrruUg&Lucaks so we can email a newspaper article to a comrade.
Excellent rant.