I'm SERIOUSLY considering plus size modeling now. I fit all the height and size requirements, (5'9" and a size 14 puts me right in the middle of the pack; not too short and small and not too big). Well, my stomach's a little big (38DD-36-42 is pushing it), but it's nothing that crash dieting for a month wouldn't fix. So right now, I'm looking for...
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show us pictures!
Go for it!
So Jon found a new girlfriend. I could not be more excited for him. I mean, well, he hasn't told me, but I got the hint, lol, I read his comments and the one he leaves on everybody else's pages, I do that with everybody (if I'm bored enough). So anyways, well, I'm definitely gonna be ok. I mean, well... I don't know whether I...
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hey there cutee...u can def find someone better, and that someone is me smile
So I'm single again.

Yeah, Jon broke up with me a bit earlier on this morning. I ran into him and I asked him how he was and he said, "Oh, good, yeah, I'm sorry but I can't go out with you anymore, I'm too connected with you and I know you too well and it feels like I'm dating my cousin or something." I...
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I think Jon's a sadist. In fact, I'm pretty sure he is. ...I'm really sure he is. I've always had a feeling that he was, partially because of the way he always forces himself onto me when we're kissing and how he likes to take control. But we were having phone sex last night, and after the first hour, it started to hurt like a...
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I think Jon's going to break up with me. It just seems like we've been avoiding each other all this week. I did have my week off, I guess you could say, we did nothing with each other this week. And it worked: I want him a hell of a lot more than ever. But I think it's had the opposite effect on him. I...
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I'm thinking about breaking up with Jon. I really have no reason to, he's done nothing wrong. I'm just kind of getting sick of him, you know? I have a very low tolerance for people; I get sick of them very quickly. And I think I'm getting sick of him now. Just him constantly being there, and the constant touching...

It's so ironic, isn't it?...
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Jon kissed me.

Yesterday, Jon kissed me.

And gods I totally fucked it over!!!

Jon and I were talking and we ran out of things to say to each other, and I knew he was trying to get the balls to actually kiss me but I didn't actually think he would.

Well, he did. And I totally reacted in the wrong way. I was caught...
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Well "Virgin" might not be so virgin after all...

Today, my friend Jon asked me out. Hahah, yes, finally, I'm not single anymore! Unfortuately, it's been so long since I've been in a relationship that I'm kind of scared of being in one again. Well, that doesn't make that much sense. I mean the concept of being in a relationship just seems so foreign to...
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As larry the Cable guy would say Get Er Done! wink
Ok, so still incredibly, beyond busy. My computer has crashed. Well, not really; the keyboard is broken and has thus basically crashed my computer, so I will be off of it until my next trip to Best Buy. I'm currently using my lap top.

I called Matteo. He didn't answer. He text messaged me instead of calling me back at 4:57 in the morning, waking...
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get a wireless keyboard - it's cool. I tell my friend who also has big hips that she has child-bearing hips. It sounds a little nicer.
Ralph love

Ok, I've been SUPER busy these past few days. Loads of work and I've also been really sick. But I'm slowly geting better; however, I've been REALLY tired lately. Too much work, not enough fun.

Speaking of that, I'm going to go see "Corpse Bride" with a few of my friends soon... hopefully. I'm not actually sure when I'll be able to get together...
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All guys want to date for sex. If he wants you he'll call. I like your new picture too!