Through the morning the best I could tell is there were two families staying at the lodge or one extended family. A large, in shape male, in his upper forties, with his wife and three kids all teenagers. Two sons and a daughter. He appeared to be the lodge owner, or at least live there full time, as he busied himself with the lodge moving in and out the house, stables and storage sheds. Everywhere he traveled he carried a scoped rifle with him and a revolver strapped to his hip. He was obviously also concerned about the world news. His two sons, both in their upper teens to early twenties, also carried weapons every time they left the house. Through the two story windows I could see the lodge owners wife, their daughter and another couple in their mid 50s. They never left the house all day.
It was a warm day and it didnt take long to realize I was unprepared to lay in a hide site for any length of time. My camelback ran out of water by noon and I had no food in my bag. The sun beat down on me and the ghillie suit added an incredibly uncomfortable level of misery.
The lodge occupants did nothing outstanding, going about their lives, often watching the large plasma television, their concern was obvious when observed through my high power scope. Finally as darkness came I was able to belly crawl out backwards and make my way back to some much needed water and food in my vehicle. Another stupid mistake on my part but at least not a fatal one. I loaded up both camelbaks and two 2-quarts this time, brought plenty of food, I moved back into my hide site to continue watching the house. I have no idea what was going on in the outside world at this time.
It was a warm day and it didnt take long to realize I was unprepared to lay in a hide site for any length of time. My camelback ran out of water by noon and I had no food in my bag. The sun beat down on me and the ghillie suit added an incredibly uncomfortable level of misery.
The lodge occupants did nothing outstanding, going about their lives, often watching the large plasma television, their concern was obvious when observed through my high power scope. Finally as darkness came I was able to belly crawl out backwards and make my way back to some much needed water and food in my vehicle. Another stupid mistake on my part but at least not a fatal one. I loaded up both camelbaks and two 2-quarts this time, brought plenty of food, I moved back into my hide site to continue watching the house. I have no idea what was going on in the outside world at this time.
i'm trying... i actually saw the horropops live just a few weeks ago, i couldn't believe they came to okc. i'd love to do a buffy night, dang it!
Another pop star needs to die thats easier on the ears!