Farmer's market today
I am in love with that place 
Edit: I made a roasted red pepper, black bean, tomato and clam soup. Yay
Also got stuff to make homemade tsatziki (editL already made it, holy crap it turned out awesome) and greek salad, homemade hummus, stuffed mushrooms, veggie omelets, eggplant pizzas, goat cheese baked potatoes, garlic asparagus, and i think homemade meatballs with 3 cheese ravioli will also be in the picture later this week. not to mention steaks with bleu cheese butter on friday night!
I love food!
In other news, Friday I get my blood sugar tested. Diabetes ahoy?
Oh oh oh and last but not least: Last night duder said he's gonna ask me to marry him one day. I was like DUH I KNEW THAT
haha no but really, it was nice to hear. 

Edit: I made a roasted red pepper, black bean, tomato and clam soup. Yay

Also got stuff to make homemade tsatziki (editL already made it, holy crap it turned out awesome) and greek salad, homemade hummus, stuffed mushrooms, veggie omelets, eggplant pizzas, goat cheese baked potatoes, garlic asparagus, and i think homemade meatballs with 3 cheese ravioli will also be in the picture later this week. not to mention steaks with bleu cheese butter on friday night!
I love food!
In other news, Friday I get my blood sugar tested. Diabetes ahoy?
Oh oh oh and last but not least: Last night duder said he's gonna ask me to marry him one day. I was like DUH I KNEW THAT

I would like to say that to a girl one day.