"rappers are in danger!"

closer and closer to getting something going with my little bedroom studio. i've been wanting to get some music made for probably five or six years now but life has a way of giving you some distractions but i guess the plus side to that is it just adds to the sound later on.

only trouble about all of this is...
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/begin ramble

too many days i've spent counting my broken smiles on the short lived joyride we once called always and forever.
you never looked so beautiful than on the day you walked away for the last time.
my embrace felt your resistance, eyes said more than you could mutter to ease the fall of our empire delicate.
wishing just once i could hear what...
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You changed...I wish i had the other to read both so i could compare but its your ramble and Im just tagging along.

I like both... I tend to edit my journals a lot through the day too.
/begin ramble

theres a place for you on the shores of the winter..
still like the sands..
constant as the waters..
inviting the softest touch..
my solitude aches for your comforts..
i weep at words you haven't said..
i pray the sun never comes..
immortalize me in your daydreams..
scar my heart and make me your keepsake..
theres a shadow scattered on my wall..
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this one is really beautiful.

"if you don't want her don't waste her time..i'll take her"

after reading a journal i wanna share this small tidbit..

a girl with a man should NEVER have to declare she is going through a dry spell and not getting any loving.

if you believe you truely "love" your girl you better keep the supply infinite.

get to work suckers.
LOL i should copy that and email it my man...
oh la laaaaa!!!


damn motley cre is playing my town mid march and i got nobody to go with..

thats what happens when you are the only person you know who digs metal.

fuck it maybe i'll go solo.
"shout at the devil.."

at long last friday..
this week has been both extremely slow and a blur for me.
hard to explain so might as well just leave it at that.
it's always interesting when you converse with someone for the first time. you feel this anxious pull and await the moment. some have trouble talking to others, i'd like to think i do...
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"The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say"

the ace of spades baby..
"how does it feel to know that you are loved..so much?"

another night of battle with the dreaded insomnia beast. you would think that if one had trouble sleeping during the night they wouldn't down a fat can of some ungodly energy drink late at night..i think after a certain hour my brain crew punches out..

still listening to judas priest..

thursday already?

/begin ramble...
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I wish I could sleep. Energy drinks do nothing for me during the day, but the slightest thought keeps me awake all night.

Again I love rambling with you.
lovely ramble dm!

