/end ramble

happy trails everybody.

- DM
Oh thats a shame you're leaving, happy trails to you too frown xxx
"we're all living in amerika.."

been a slow week..
my lower back has been feeling busted for a few days so it's hard to sit at my computer for my usual extended sessions. at the moment i have a spongebob pillow wedged between my back and my chair that only does the trick for a little while.

have to vist the dentist later this afternoon...
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/begin ramble

i've been here many times before..
this day has been years..
i know my flaws and faults..
obvious to all and consume my every thought..
am i a slave to my fears?
the devils and ghosts remind me with the replay..
she is always here..
long gone but closer than ever..
love is an endless masquerade..
it is up to me to kill...
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Just had time to read your last couple of entries...how is your cousin? I'm sorry...and it does suck that trauma can bring people together more than laughter. Hang in there- it wont rain forever.
"when the morning comes it doesn't seem to say an awful lot to me.."

sure is quiet out there..did i scare away people with my geek display and my long sob story?

back to the salt mines..

/begin ramble

theres a morning full of meaning i never woke to..
somewhere between the acid sting and puzzle piece dreams..
i was king for a breath and...
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I like your new picture! Im glad to be back and read your beautiful words!
"son..you've got a way to fall.."

i'm sure anyone reading this right now know that life can have a pretty sick way of keeping you on your toes. there are times in my life where the old saying "when it rains, it pours" rings true in every way. there are these unexpected dark clouds that just grow and spread over you and makes you afraid...
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went and saw batman begins tonight, a movie i have been waiting for since they made the bat man a mockery to cinema.

but no more.

in full geek-a-fied frenzy i say now they finally stopped fucking around and made a worthy batman film.

and you must know a few worthless tidbits..to complete my nerd fantasy i had actually wanted bale to be batman before...
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"'cause even your smile hurts..oh it hurts like hell.."

/begin ramble

here i follow your footsteps..
with each one i study and compare..
i catch you eyeing me from ahead..
so many faces you have..
all just as beautiful as the last..
you beckon me to keep up..
you assure me we are so close..
i have been walking for years..
there are no words...
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Thank you so very much for the birthday wish!
It doesn't matter that it was a little bit late, it's fabulous that you remembered!! love
bastard's log - stardate 20050610

i've discovered i have a disgusting amount of free time on my hands. well to say i "discovered" that tidbit of my life would be a lie. i could safely say the flag has long been planted in the muddy earth of my mind.

some would say having an interest and some "talent" in so many forms of art would...
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I think you can always change paths- and that you should do what you love to do- and fuck everyone else.