Happy Valentine's Day, dudes.

Everything's going great in Brooklyn (for me anyway). New job's finally started in a more permanent and full time capacity, and everyone who works there is surprisingly awesome.

Glad the snow's finally melting. It caught me by surprise this year, and I'm not th biggest fan of getting around in it, and prefer when riding my bike is a convenient means...
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Had a really great thanksgiving just sitting at home here n NY. My creative output has been going up lately, and it feels fucking great to have broken past the initial resistance I felt getting back into my projects. I'm mostly glad to know that I haven't lost any intellectual ability; sometimes I feel like I'm slowly losing intelligence...

I've also started working on a...
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So busy lately. Got a new job working with an after school writing program in Harlem. It's going to be a lot more rewarding, and use my skills a bit better than my current position as a Barista. Plus, it pays better. The interview process was intense though, so most of my free time was immediately takenthen my in-laws came.

All in all, things...
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Dead Moon kicks ass.

That is all.

Good track!
why is everyone I know moving to new york?

is it this year's hot new year's resolution?
I don't blame them... I really like NY
Things have been GREAT lately. I'm now a barista at Think Coffee, moving to the new flagship store opening next week on 8th ave. and 14th st. It's been a lot of fun, and graduate school apps are done.

PLUS, I found some cool glasses on my mailbox that are roughly my prescription.

In order to keep eating food, living in a home, and saving for my student loan payments, I've taken a seasonal position at Madison Square Park! It's not so bad, despite the physical labor and heavy maintenance aspects of the job, and it certainly has its perks (proximity to Shake Shack, lots of sundresses and sunbathing women, being able to watch and participate in the...
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O, to out of school and unemployed! Simply reading my days away and applying for countless numbers of jobs.

Let's hope being in NY helps my odds.

Now back to catching up on all the music I missed for the past two years.
I hope you have a good weekend!
"It's easier to talk about 'furries' than it is to talk about 'kissers'. No one wants to think of 'normal' sexuality as a phenomenon"
It's been a while since I've posted here, so I think I'll catch things up.

Since last time, I've decided I need to take some time off before applying to graduate school. I've been having some health problems, and my body literally cannot stand the stress. Plus, I need some time to sort out my undergraduate experience, and maybe spend some time on other important...
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Applying to graduate school is a slightly demeaning process. On one hand, I must reduce myself to personal statements, recommendations, and work samples. On the other, I must try to create a persona that fits a "type" of graduate student out of the same material. Fortunately, working class white students are a group underrepresented in most prestigious universities today, and are thus seen as more...
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Well, if you need any advice or have questions about the process, I've gone through it...
Hey Everybody.

I used to be Hauntedhouse on this forum, and someone sent me a free three month membership, but I forgot my password. So, I shelled out the $50 and came back under a different name.

Thanks to whoever sent it, maybe we'll speak soon.
