Damn okok new blog.....Boat fixed, sister had a girl named her kaley... shes adorable, work is sucking ass cause there isn't enough of it to keep me busy, which makes it hard to go out and do anything, that in turn makes it hard to find my new ex-girlfriend. Damn how long ago was my last blog.....
Happy b day dude.
It's official....I am boat less!!
My dad was out last weekend and noticed the bilge pump kicking on every 10 mins or so, and I was out a few weeks before him and noticed it as well, except when I was out it was real rough and I was taking waves over the stern so I didn't think it was odd.
Turns out there's a...
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Haven't heard from ya in a while. Hope alls well. Sorry about your boat.
Weeeee I finally won something!! 3rd caller baby..snagged some tickets to rumble in paradise 3.

Who's a happy camper...?>... ME.
Congrats ! You are a WINNER !

So I don't think you've ever said but ah , what is it you build ?
I build a lot of granite countertops. I'm going to be down there installing a bunch of them, eh most of next week and the week after probably over by 1800 Atlantic.
Happy Fucking New Year!!!!!! Fuck Yeah!.........I had a damn tooth pulled last tuesday followed by the Flu starting Saturday which has lead me to this health fucking does of Pnuemonia (however you spell that). Christmas rockd.......... I didn't leave my house. I thought I was going to die for about 4 days there. VERY interesting dreams when you're rocking a fever for a few days....
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Damn, thats funny ! I can't believe I got a picture of your hand ! I loved that kid, he was one of the funniest guys I saw all week ! The pros really do make it look so effortless.
We gotta get together some time.
I'm headin out now with some guys. We'll be on the streets downtown, possibly at the Red Garter, later Bare Assets, more street. No camera tonight though. Say hi if ya see me. Have a rockin New Year !
Wee !!!! I finally got my damn cable hooked back up. Now I can hide in my house more often instead of going out all the damn time. Holy fucking spending spree I was on, Don's was my new weekday home ( I am a muderous carnivor at ping pong now and also learned the 'rolls' on the pool table ) The gecko and Ricks...
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Goodbye world wide interweb....I'll see you in a few weeks maybe. Moving sucks even if it is only like 10 blocks.

Bah.... back to goombay with me.
hey !
sup dude ?

Just thought I'd say hi. We're like neighbors.
I saw the Fantasy Fest post.
I might be down but I don't know yet. Have to see how work goes.

So is anything cool goin on ?

Cool ! I went down to Goombay fest last night. saw a hoppin reagee show.and of course half a ton of fun lovin freaks. Good food. Good times. Not quite as busy as I would expect for an event like this. It's my first year here for the festivals. I've been here off and on for the past couple of years but just kept missing them.
It was goombay was cool, little odd too. LOTS of young people, seemed like it was bring your teenager to the bar night. And lots of people with glass bottles on the street. Usually they're pretty strict with that , no ? Plastic on the street yes, but glass usually gets me a stern talking to from sexy ladies in smart blue uniforms with large belts.
Places seemed to close reeally early. Bars were calling last call at 1:30. I thought they stayed open till 4 or so in KW. Maybe that's just the titty bars ?
Anyway. I'd love to catch up with some local SGer's. It seems like we're on a metaphoric island as well here in SG land. Sucks that the FL group is so active and cool but we are actually so far away from any of it. We should definitely make some plans to hook up at some point next weekend for the festivities.
Chris Leben kicked my ass. I got to tumble with the crazy bastard, and wow did he make short work of me, 4 times in a row..I had no chance. I thought that I had some skills but apparently I am not a high caliber fighter. Fun times, Getting put in my place by a pro fighter is a humbleing experince. My neck, arm, and...
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My mind's made up. Next Year I will be in Amster-D ! My friend has been offering me a place to stay for too long and I am finally gonna take her up on it. I'm thinking 2 weeks right around this time next year. I've never been to europe so i'm already excited. Usually I want it to be friday or something but now...
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12 hour days fuck yeah!

You know you are in deep shit when the concrete truck is pulling up at 5:30 and the pump truck that goes with this wonderfull concotion of sand, rocks and cement is NOWHERE in sight. What a lovely evening i spent working by the one weak-ass light trying to get the finish right on the mud that was still WAY...
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dude i don't know why i can't get some use out of this illuminati thing! i should atleast be able to get my speeding tickets taken care of.
fuck the bubba system, cuz. im getting my own big white truck!