censored: you have no idea how much a big rock hard giant body turns me on.
moldycheddar: ....
censored: i want to tak eyou bak to my room and strip you down and crawl all over that big beautiful body of yours.
moldycheddar: ....
moldycheddar: Vim is actually kinda chubby right now...
moldycheddar: and who is this anyway?
moldycheddar: perv!!!
censored: i know you from sg
censored: i want you inside me so bad
censored: want to suck you
moldycheddar: dude....
censored: sorry i have some pent up frustrations going on right now. i need some release
moldycheddar: you know you're chatting with the mother of Vim's children?
AIM (5/15/06 9:24:06 AM): censored has logged off