Spikey has short time, and it is evident, the day before she is to be released, that she does not want to go home. She comes to the Bing (Administrative Segregation) because she has received an infraction for fighting. Sitting in front of her cage and talking to her i realize that the fight was a desperate, last ditch effort in hope that the prison would take away her good days. She is in her late thirties. Her hands are swollen. Enormous. There are huge, open sores on her legs. She has about ten teeth left. And her entire body is scarred and ashen. She has been on drugs about twenty years. Her veins have collapsed. She has fibrosis epilepsy and edema. She has not seen her three children in about eight years. She is ashamed to contact home because she robbed and abused her mother so many times.

Yeah... I robbed and abused my mother. WHAT OF IT?

...and a phlegmy, thick, wet sounding, graveyard cough when she laughs at your honestly non-sarcastic or judgemental in anyway, strictly to be taken at face value, question regarding "any special skills and or trades or vocations" and spends the next ten minutes or so clearing and re-clearing her obviously compromised air passages and sipping from the little cone shaped cup you feverishly filled and all but sprinted back with from the water cooler down the hall to just please make the gawd-awful deathbed sounds somehow stop, finally, all together....