Go to college, get married , buy a house........my life.
I gave more thought to what I was having for dinner at the restaurant Friday night than I did to all of it.
Throw in an interval at the psychiatric hospital, and I feel like a living Molotov cocktail, looking for a place to explode.
Irritable , that is the word irritable, and I don't even know why.
I go through my professional life with some success, my life at home has deteriorated and apparently my wife has had enough....
How much of my behavior is situational and how much of it is buried deep inside me. Sometimes I feel like a human "lemon" an individual who just doesnt run right, I can hear the valves clatter, I can feel "the miss" on that one cylinder , and then the inevitable backfire.
I have had ONE relationship in my life that I think has been only healthy and she lives in Florida in some crazy ass situation and I am always a day late and a dollar short.
Did you ever browse a dating site like match.com or the like.
All I see is more problems and more headaches.
And can I ask a question, if everyone on there exercises as much as they say they do, and spend so much time outside , how come I almost never meet anyone in my daily life who even takes a walk daily? Am I running in the wrong circles , or are these people full of shit?
I gave more thought to what I was having for dinner at the restaurant Friday night than I did to all of it.
Throw in an interval at the psychiatric hospital, and I feel like a living Molotov cocktail, looking for a place to explode.
Irritable , that is the word irritable, and I don't even know why.
I go through my professional life with some success, my life at home has deteriorated and apparently my wife has had enough....
How much of my behavior is situational and how much of it is buried deep inside me. Sometimes I feel like a human "lemon" an individual who just doesnt run right, I can hear the valves clatter, I can feel "the miss" on that one cylinder , and then the inevitable backfire.
I have had ONE relationship in my life that I think has been only healthy and she lives in Florida in some crazy ass situation and I am always a day late and a dollar short.
Did you ever browse a dating site like match.com or the like.
All I see is more problems and more headaches.
And can I ask a question, if everyone on there exercises as much as they say they do, and spend so much time outside , how come I almost never meet anyone in my daily life who even takes a walk daily? Am I running in the wrong circles , or are these people full of shit?

I ride my bicycle at least twice a day. (For it is my mode of transportation.)
I used to walk the same distance I ride.
I get to my destination much faster now.
Everyone on the internet is emotionally damaged.
But then most people are emotionally damaned as is, so that isn't saying much.