Hmm, about time I did a semblance of an update.
New pic, and the knowledge that I am alive, I think that cuts it. tongue
Blah, life's been boring for a while. Will hopefully be starting work on Monday or Tuesday, that would be nice...
Finally managed to move my beer over to the secondary fermenter last night. Smelling really good, not too high on the alcohol level, gravity reading says around 3% or so, but I don't think I got very good readings both times, so who knows. Another 4-6 weeks and I can bottle it, then a month after that, drink it. heh, long process, but tons of...
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blah, back in Phoenix again, prolly going to end up moving back down here anyway. I want to go back to school and the college I want to attend is down here. So I'll kinda be forced into it if I end up going there. I should, it would be good for me.
Thanks for the tragus advice, I have some Provon... so I'll just stick to that and sea salt. Thank you!!! XOXO
the room is $380 a month. everything included.
i have a room available. you share a bathroom with my other roommate. male. student at devry.
the house is on 19th ave. just south of northern.
lemme know if it sounds good?
Been awhile since I posted here. Tons has happened, we've done a few shows, recoreded a couple demos, and we're getting radio play either later this week or early next week, things are really coming together. haha.

Bad news, well my truck broke down and it's in pieces in my parent's garage, working on it right now, heh.
Excellent, met Anthony and he's now the drummer. Heh heh. He's a really amazing drummer, glad we found him, so now we have a full group.

Practice on Friday was awesome, got a lot done, almost finished two songs already, they just need to be polished now. Hopefully we'll get two more practices in this week, gonna finish up those songs and start another. We're...
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nah, you wouldn't. wink

good luck with band! what type of music?
that usually a good sign. when you can pick out exactly what style a group is, it usually means they are boring.
Yay, I get to meet the probable drummer for the new band. We're even going to try and have a little jam session/practice on Friday. Hope this guys works out, I'm pretty sure he will, from what Richard has told me.

Hehe, it's nice to finally be with a group that wants to actually go somewhere. biggrin
once you had me, you'd be trying to get rid of me. biggrin