Bare with me while I try describing my perfect mate *based on actor's characters*
I'm looking for a funny, fun loving guy who is completely comfortable with himself like Jason Segel, a smart nearly obnoxiously charismatic guy like Vince Vaughn, an alternative heart throb (an accent is a major plus) like Jim Sturgess, a preppy lover boy who will treat me right like John Cho, a bad ass that will get rough with me like Tom Hardy *again the accent helps*, a sexy kitten who will be a lady by day and a freak in the sheet like Drew Barrymore *yes this can apply to guys as well*, a hot sense of style in music and dance (the way you move your body can be majorly important) especially in the sense of liking hip hop all the way to rock, and lastly, like Kristen Bell with her sexy little expressions (which is so me, if you ever meet me in person) the biggest turn on is knowing I can read your mind by the expressions on your face, the sillier the better.
I'm looking for a funny, fun loving guy who is completely comfortable with himself like Jason Segel, a smart nearly obnoxiously charismatic guy like Vince Vaughn, an alternative heart throb (an accent is a major plus) like Jim Sturgess, a preppy lover boy who will treat me right like John Cho, a bad ass that will get rough with me like Tom Hardy *again the accent helps*, a sexy kitten who will be a lady by day and a freak in the sheet like Drew Barrymore *yes this can apply to guys as well*, a hot sense of style in music and dance (the way you move your body can be majorly important) especially in the sense of liking hip hop all the way to rock, and lastly, like Kristen Bell with her sexy little expressions (which is so me, if you ever meet me in person) the biggest turn on is knowing I can read your mind by the expressions on your face, the sillier the better.
I'm sure the list could just go on and on... but this is my start, I thought it was a funny idea to describe the ever going question of 'what type of guys/girls are you into' that you hear so often on dating site. Any suggestions?
I'd say any guy who possesses those qualities will be very lucky if they end up with you! I'm a funny guy who can make funny faces, alas no accent.....but I think you are "mucho sexy"

thank you