I can read, write and speak Canadian. It's easy for me though because I was born there. wink

Who smokes?
(I mean cigarettes you two)
what kind?, how much?, how long?

Did You Know?
Interstate numbers increase from the SW to the NE.
E-W interstates are even numbers, N-S are odd.
ZIP Codes and the 1st 3 numbers of social security #s
increase from...
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I also helped Steve get a great deal on a Marshall Stack ... but he got his fav guitar, a Gibson Double Cut Les Paul, from taking a dare at that old Bob's Big Boy in Burbank. He had to eat some sort of concoction that was made from leftover food and condiments and crap. I guess he puked all over the table but the dude went and bought him a f'n Gibson. Some kids just have too much money, I guess.

And I also bought him a Chevy cargo van, so his band would have a secure vehicle. And I put a stereo in it ... and an alarm. That little shit drove it off a cliff, on purpose! Oh, there is more to the story but I think Jackass is gonna kill off this generation. Oh yeah, it's captured on videotape. Priceless footage. If he wasn't my kid and it wasn't my money, it might have been funny. wink

Those kids have both gotten computers, x-boxes, blah, blah ... but Steve is easy to do things for because he has a dream. I wish there was an equivalent for the other two, but I don't know what it is.
Yeah, I kicked him ass about the van. And you know what else? He didn't take the 10-CD changer out from under the seat before his little Louise and Thelma number. I suppose I should explain ... they were on tour in Sacramento and the transmission went out. They didn't know how they were going to get home (didn't bother to call an *adult* for help either) so that was their best thinking at work.

The resulting video ... they made a documentary where everyone was talking about the van and the trip and they showed them parking it in some parking lot and leaving the lights on. Then it flashes to a room where they are all sitting, talking about the van ... looks like a 12-Step meeting and they are all pensive. Then the video ends. That's their alibi. "I don't know what happened, officer. We left it in a parking lot with the lights on." Wait another 30 seconds and the video comes back on and shows what really happened. The "cliff" wasn't really that steep, it turned out to be little more than a ravine. There was blood and defacing of property. Then they all gathered around the van, placing flowers in the holes in the windows ... then join in a circle holding hands for a rendition of Amazing Grace. Then Steve pretends to be overcome with sobbing and they lead him away while the video fades out.

F'n kids! Is it necessary to tell you that I DON'T let him drive my Mustang?

I have decided to write a book about failure. If it doesn't sell, I think that will show what an expert I am on the subject. If it does sell, I may not know what I'm talking about, but I'll have made a lot of money.

Yesterday's entry was somewhat depressing. I hate to bring people down, I just wanted to share a...
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Any place that will let me work there with a shaved head and metal in my face because they like me that way -- not because it makes them feel like they can pay me less, treat me poorly, and keep me hidden from public view.
I'm working on the bartender thing right now.
End of Innocence

In 1st grade I met a boy named Gary. It was 1969 in Auburn, Massachusetts, a small town near the center of the state. Gary and I became best friends quickly and over the next few years we would sleep over at each others houses, our parents became friends, we became inseparable. My dad became a manager where he worked and even...
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You know ... I must say it is kinda weird in a way how our names will now be this off purplish colour when we come across each other on the site.

I asked in my journal for people to recommend a friend of thiers that they thought I'd get along with.

So MalloryKnoxx suggested you. And from that, I bookmarked you, started talking and out of nowhere, Suzy_Kabloozy is on my friends list thanks to something I write in your journal and now you are on my friends list as well ... and the point of my story is this:

It's snowing outside and I am cold and there is peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth.

So - what part of Toronto??
I much more like seeing posts I've made. At least I'm properly blue.

Meh ... what can I do.

I sometimes kick myself for never getting to know the awesomeness that is Jem and the Holograms.

I think I made it up though by getting to know Jem.

BRRRRRRRRR!!!! People are crazy around here. It was about 10 degrees when I woke up this morning, I walked across the street to get some coffee and I saw 2 people walking by in t-shirts. They must think theyre tough or something. All Ive got to say is, let me see you make an hour long hike up and down Camelback in Scottsdale,...
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I did sign that petition--I'm thinking of signing it repeatedly.

If I drove anything other than a Chevy/Pontiac, I'd be disowned. My dad works for a GM dealership, always has, several different places, always GM. He refuses to work on my car if it isn't GM.

My kitty is a stealth ninja. She managed to open the drawer where her new favorite toy is and get it out today.

Cities: too easy, I've lived in 2 places--currently Mt. Pleasant, prior to this, a small hick town by the name of Breckenridge. Soon to be Chicago if all goes well. But somewhere other than here at any rate. College towns suck when you aren't in college. At least this one does.
I lived in the same place for 19 years. Same school. I knew most of my classmates since we were 5-6 years old. It was sort of comfortable I supposed, but I was bored by it. I like meeting new people and that was pretty unlikely where I was at. I vowed to get out of that town and I would seriously never go back. My parents have lived there all their lives, my little brother wants to get his teaching degree and teach at our high school--he's dating a girl I graduated with. Is it any surprise that I am and always was the black sheep of the family? I have no idea how I ended up the way I am, coming from this upbringing and family. I assume it is because I read everything I could get my hands on.

I'm being really lazy right now, I should be on my way to Green Bay, but it's cold up there so I'm procrastinating, as usual smile

Does anyone else get incredibly frustrated and aggravated by visiting the current events board. ARRRRGGG! There are way too many close-minded people, unwilling to accept, free will, and individuality.

I've come to the realization ( if only...
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I grew bored. I think parts of my brain started to kill themselves.
Well, looks like a couple bong loads and a drive on the freeway this morning. Can't trust the canyons in the rain. *sigh* How's your day going, babe? Make it to Green Bay yet? kiss

a little while ago, i talked to an ex-gf who i hadn't heard from in about two years. She just started her second marriage and had a kid from the first one!! it was only two years! But i was thinking about this because it seems like almost all my ex-girlfriends have married the next guy they were with. i feel like the...
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I haven't done anything with the puppy yet. I'd tell you more, but I'm wiped and I just threw it all down in a new journal. Feel free to check it out there. I have one possiblity, but it's all uncertain right now.
Thank you, thank you ... I like you, too! You have a cool looking life, from viewing your posts and pics. Gosh, I could never be a trucker and make it anywhere on time because I'd be trying to snap shots of every sign / road / freak / roadside diner waitress with teased hair / tourist trap with my silly little camera phone. Then fail to downshift adequately while winding around one of those turns because I'm trying to send the pic to the Internet or something. And that just probably wouldn't be good, you know? I mean, where are all the runaway truck ramps when you need one?

So do your stats mean what I think they do? Geez, if so, you've got everyone in this house beat by at least 9 or 10 points and that is impressive. I kept thinking that it must be some cool code that everyone on this site understands but me ... but you want to fuck Stephen Hawking's brain in your fantasy and that is just plain hot! love

The banana pics ... hehehe! Actually, I was probably stoned because I was at my oldest son's pad and that is the normal state for everyone around there. I don't usually smoke in the morning, though, and that was literally my breakfast that day. A good breakfast is part of a well-balanced diet. They taught me that on cereal commercials. The part about locking myself in the bathroom to document ... well, that was my idea! And the funniest part about this is ... my friend and I had both just gotten camera phones. Those might be from one of the first picture messages I ever sent to anyone ... I actually think it was the 3rd, but they were all that day. Later that evening, my Mustang decided to break down and I was 165 miles from home ... and based on those pictures (and the fact that he has been my good friend for 7 years, I'm sure) he jumped right in his truck and came to save me. So, kids, remember: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! wink

~Suzy kiss

yada, yada, yada, bad day,
blah, blah, blah, bad mood
bitch, complain, rant, no money
whine, sob, bitch, some more
not fair, not my fault waa, waa, waa....

I just wanted to start my journal off like so many other I see on the site, present company excepted wink

So many people complaining about their bad days, or feeling bad, or they're depressed or...
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You're going to Green Bay?? Gawd. My condolences tongue

I am, however, a moderate Packers fan biggrin

And yeah - I'm with you one the "get past it already and move on" sentiment. I learned from a now deceased friend of mine to really try not to sweat the small stuff...and even not to stress more than is necessary about the big stuff. I was whining my ass off one evening about a bunch of stuff that *I* considered to be intolerable.
He listended to me patiently until my sniveling wore out, and then said to me
"So I just got back from the doctor's. I'm at full blown AIDS status now, and he says I've managed to contract a lung infection."
Shut me RIGHT the fuck up.
Ack - 8 degrees eeek eeek eeek

I'm SO over cold weather.
I hope you have a parka and some gloves packed biggrin

Square pegs would easily fit into round holes, if theyd just make the holes bigger. Why are the hole makes so stubborn, why wont they change? Ive always heard that without change we stagnate and die. Thats why I always carry around 82 cents.

A few years ago, well maybe more like 10 years ago, there was a store on Melrose named...
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Well, I had a guy call me Suzy Kabloozy ... I'm not sure if he meant something bad by that, but then a new screen name was born. (At least he didn't call me Floozy, like my mama did.) I didn't want to use my normal screen name at this site because when I first signed up, I didn't want anyone to find out. Then I found out this place wasn't something I wanted to hide after all ... but my real name IS Suzy, so there ya go!

And my day did get better ... thanks! kiss
innate tv girl.


Another friend of mine saw that everytime he looked at my name. I'm not sure if you got it but it's actually native girl.


HAPPY V D TO ALL, that is if you celebrate vd, if not then ramada inn, or quantas or whatever.
it's not xmas or i would have said ramadan or kwanza

i came up with some ideas for valentine cards i'm going to send to some card companies, but i thought i'd see if you all think they're worthy smile

some are simple...
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Hmmm.....the gift of used underwear. I should SO go back there and pick up some of the tighty-whities for the owner of the bistro I just stopped working at. He's such a dillhole.

Anyway - if you think those dresses are bad...check out this stylish men's shirt.
It's the stuff of nightmares.

Dear Valentine, Let's fuck..........what more really needs to be said. Its always what's between the lines of every other card out there. You should make one for prom somehow, like attach it to the corsages or something, with a lil slot for a hotel key in it.

What would Hallmark do if everyone boycotted Vday for a year--or *gasp* made their own cards. It'd be hilarious.

as the leader of the new paradigm, i command the revolution to begin immediately, rise up and.....oh, wait, let me get my notes together first. well, actually i haven't had lunch yet either, i'd hate to start a revolution on an empty stomach.
ya know i should really do some laundry too, i mean hows it gonna look if the Leader of the...
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Okay, I'll bite ... what is your fetish?
Edited because this dumb slow server today posted it twice...

[Edited on Feb 14, 2005 11:41AM]