I'm back! I should finally have regular internet access again. I've really missed you all, now I need to catch up with all those who I've neglected and anything interesting I've missed over the past month. So tell me what's happened with you, any life changing events, or even mildly interesting / entertaining events. For me, I've changed my job a bit so I'll be closer to home, I'll just be traveling in southern and central California now. I've been spending all of my limited free time with the Great suzy_kabloozy, the most awesome person in the world.
Other than that, things have been pretty boring for me, but hopefully that'll change now that I'll have weekends off like a normal person, and I can have a life again.
It's still too early for me to be cute, funny or creative, so this is all you get for now. I need to go cry in someone's journal for taking me off of her friends list. That bitch!
I'm back! I should finally have regular internet access again. I've really missed you all, now I need to catch up with all those who I've neglected and anything interesting I've missed over the past month. So tell me what's happened with you, any life changing events, or even mildly interesting / entertaining events. For me, I've changed my job a bit so I'll be closer to home, I'll just be traveling in southern and central California now. I've been spending all of my limited free time with the Great suzy_kabloozy, the most awesome person in the world.

It's still too early for me to be cute, funny or creative, so this is all you get for now. I need to go cry in someone's journal for taking me off of her friends list. That bitch!

As to finding a place....nothing yet, but I've got several cotacts that will hopefully pan out nicely
So how's the driving this week?