Does anyone know where I can find a photo lab that will make life size landscape prints. I guess I'll need a frame shop too...let's see if I crop out most of the sky, I can probably cut it down to about 15,000 feet, and about 15 miles wide. So I'll need a 3 x 15 mile frame...damn, I'm gonna need a big wall to hang that on.
I was looking up some Latin phrases (yep, I'm kind of a geek that way), and I found some useful ones I thought I'd share.
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? - Baby, sweetheart, would I lie to you?
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags
Apudne te vel me? - Your place or mine?
Ascendo tuum - Up yours!
Canis meus id comedit - My dog ate it
Carpe Cerevisi - Seize the beer!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam - I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head
Cogito sumere potum alterum - I think I'll have another drink
Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo - I'll have a pizza with everything on it
Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem! - The devil made me do it!
Feles mala! cur cista non uteris? stramentum novum in ea posui - Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it
In puris naturalibus - Completely naked
Me oportet propter praeceptum te nocere - I'm going to have to hurt you on principle
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat - It's not the heat, it's the humidity
Non Gradus Anus Rodentum! - Not Worth A Rats Ass!
Tum podem extulit horridulum - You are talking shit
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum invocandum - I succeeded in summoning satan into my computer
Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire - I came, I saw, I want to go home
Does anyone know where I can find a photo lab that will make life size landscape prints. I guess I'll need a frame shop too...let's see if I crop out most of the sky, I can probably cut it down to about 15,000 feet, and about 15 miles wide. So I'll need a 3 x 15 mile frame...damn, I'm gonna need a big wall to hang that on.
I was looking up some Latin phrases (yep, I'm kind of a geek that way), and I found some useful ones I thought I'd share.
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? - Baby, sweetheart, would I lie to you?
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags
Apudne te vel me? - Your place or mine?
Ascendo tuum - Up yours!
Canis meus id comedit - My dog ate it
Carpe Cerevisi - Seize the beer!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam - I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head
Cogito sumere potum alterum - I think I'll have another drink
Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo - I'll have a pizza with everything on it
Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem! - The devil made me do it!
Feles mala! cur cista non uteris? stramentum novum in ea posui - Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it
In puris naturalibus - Completely naked
Me oportet propter praeceptum te nocere - I'm going to have to hurt you on principle
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat - It's not the heat, it's the humidity
Non Gradus Anus Rodentum! - Not Worth A Rats Ass!
Tum podem extulit horridulum - You are talking shit
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum invocandum - I succeeded in summoning satan into my computer
Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire - I came, I saw, I want to go home

Hey - having a bar that is home base is all that matters.
*sings the theme from "Cheers"*
NOT "good kitty".
BAD kitty.
Very, VERY BAD kitty.